University of Virginia Library



Tune—“Since love is the plan.”

'Twas frost and thro' leet, wid a greymin o' snaw,
When I went to see Biddy, the flow'r o' them aw;
To meet was agreed on at Seymy' deyke nuik,
Where I saunter'd wi' monie a seegh and lang luik,
But poud up my spirits and off till her heame,
For when swok mean reet, wey, what need they think sheame!


I peep'd through the window to see what was duin:
Her fadder sat whusslin, and greasing his shoon;
Her mudder sat darnin, and smuikin the while;
And Biddy was spinnin, the neet to beguile;
Her thread it aye brak, she seem'd sad as cud be,
And yen sat aside her, a stranger to me.
She turn'd her head frae him, and niver yence spak;
He struive for a kiss, then she up in a crack,
And suin i' the faul, wi' great pleasure we met,
But that happy moment we ne'er can forget:
To be mine she promis'd agean and agean,
And the priest, if God spares us, will suin mek us yen.
May 15, 1804.