University of Virginia Library


Ode to Whim.

Hail! nymph of every novel grace,
Of airy step and varying pace;
With frolic smile, and meaning sly,
Beaming from thy roving eye!
With glance deriding “wrinkled Care,”
And sportive, comic, easy air;
Thy brow with many a feather crown'd,
In many a various climate found:
Thy robe of every rainbow hue,
As bright, as evanescent too;
Thy girdle by the Graces wove,
And breath'd on by the Queen of Love;


Thy cheeks the lily now disclose,
Now emulate the glowing rose:
Mirth from thine eye now flings his ray,
And laughing Loves around thee play!
Now pallid langour softly sheds
Her pensive graces o'er thy lids:
Or gay, or grave, yet sure to please,
With novel air or playful ease;
Man, worshipping variety,
Finds all her magic charms in thee;
Before th'enchantment of thine eye,
Dull beauty's fair disciples fly:
Or own gay Whim's superior sway,
And at her feet their trophies lay!
Come then delightful Proteus-maid,
And when youth's first bright colours fade,
Supply the alter'd form and face,
With ever new attractive grace;
On me thy bizzare powers bestow,
Thy witching spell around me throw;
Breathe in the softly stealing sigh,
And revel in th'expressive eye,


And from the animated face,
Monotony's chill torpor chase:
The stealing power of age disarm,
And ever changing,—ever charm!