University of Virginia Library



Lord William rose ere mornin' licht
Had dimmed the mornin' star,
And belted on his gude sword bricht,
And seized a gay guitar;
And doun the stairs went hurrying fast
And o'er the sounding hall;
The huge wall-mirror, as he pass'd,
His form reflected all.
A sidelong look he cast, and frown'd,
“I am a lover grim;”
And ill a face in battle brown'd
Suits with the silken trim.
“Is that your voice, my noble lord,—
Is that your foot I hear?
And fare ye forth to fight with sword,
Or chase the peaceful deer?”
“Now close thine ee, my little page,
And sleep till it be day,


The chase shall then thy powers engage
Till falls the gloamin gray.”
He wandered till his castle tower
Sank down in greenwood shaw,
But when he came to Margret's bower
An evil sicht he saw.
Beneath her lattice on the string
A gay gallánt did play,
And sweet it was to hear him sing
“Now is the month of May.”
“What dost thou here, thou maiden youth,
In the chill morning air?
Or art thou of the sunny south
A vagabond trouvère?”
“Thy words are scornful, haughty lord;
But here I make avow,
And I will keep it with my sword,
I am as good as thou.”
“Now, by my beard, it makes me blush
To hear thy braggart tale:
And wilt thou on the falcon rush,
Thou silly nightingale?”


“Thy lands are spacious, and above
All blame thy name in war;
But I in youth-time and in love
Am rich and happier far;
And for my treasure I will fight
As bold as thou for thine;
And here I bid thee turn, proud knight,
For Margret's care is mine.”
“'Tis false, 'tis false, thou lying knave!
Thy words are madness now:
A warrior's daughter never gave
Her hand to such as thou.
Near where I stand, but yesternight
Did Margret's lips declare
I was her own free-chosen knight,—
And mine is Margret's care.”
“Have done, have done, the morning sun
Will soon surprise us here;
There but remains, now all is done,
Manhood and metal clear.
So step we out to yon green sward,—
Lord William, art thou fey?”
“What squire art thou who wears a sword
Belted the wrongward way?”


The youth looked down, and faltering blushed,
And half-inclined to flee:
That instant all the orient flushed,
And yellowed all the lea.
Lord William gazed with clearer eyes,
And backward stept a pace:
—'Twas Margret's self in masking guise
That flew to his embrace!