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Ballads of the War

By H. D. Rawnsley

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The Day of Intercession


God, in Whose hand the issues are,
When nations rage with fire and sword,
By Whose decree the scourge of war
Fulfils a more than mortal word,
Let battle-pride and warrior-lust
Henceforth lie silent in the dust.
With Thee the centuries are in sight,
Thou dost the far-off future plan
When right shall triumph over might,
And brotherhood be known to man;
Lord, in this dreadful battle-hour,
Reveal Thy face and come with power.
Make humble all that was too high,
To chastened eyes in mercy show
Where true imperial treasures lie;
Cast down the lofty, raise the low;
And out of pain, by loss subdued,
Lead forth a faithful multitude.


Give strength and calm in good and ill,
Be with the fallen, foe or friend;
Lord God of Hosts, if, by Thy will
We stand victorious at the end,
Give us Thy help divine to be
More just, more merciful for Thee.