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Prince Lucifer

By Alfred Austin

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Outside Castle Tourbillon.
[A body of Peasants, armed with flint-guns, scythes, and billhooks, are collected on the hillside.]

Are we ready, then?


Ready enough, when you give the word.


I will speak him fair at first, and if he hears reason, reasonable we too must hold ourselves. But if he answers smooth with rough, then we must see who can be roughest.


But not rough with Eve, master.


Not rough, surely, but not soft, neither. If he's for giving up the treasure, let him keep the rest. But if he's got no ear for the rumbling


of emptying bellies,—well, we must put a sharper edge on his own fine appetite. Forward, now!

[They advance towards the main entrance of the Castle. Just before they reach it, the Castle gates open slowly, and through them comes Father Gabriel, attired in his priestly robes, followed by four acolytes carrying a small coffin covered with flowers. Behind it walk Prince Lucifer and Eve, Eve dressed in white. After them the servitors of the Castle, unarmed.]

What want you, friends?

We came to speak with you.

Speak, then.
[They remain silent.]
You all are silent; but no need
Is there to put your weapons into words.
In what have I offended?

Our intent
Was to petition you to share your wealth
With needy brethren; but,—not here—not now!


Nay, you have come most timely. Share it, sooth!
For in that coffin it lies. Wrest it from death,
And make me rich again! My other treasure,
My other and my greater, look on her!
If you can share her grief, you share my wealth,
For other have I none. What else I have lost,
Well, if you knew, you would not grudge it me.
Pray, go within, and take thence what you will.
For there is nothing in it that I value,
Saving some empty memories, and those
Would not enrich you.

Dear my sons!
Lay your rebellious weapons on the ground,
And tread with melancholy feet the track
Pointed by Heaven! When God speaks through Death,
Life then is forced to hear. That messenger
Reveals the supreme Potentate that sends him.
Follow the coffin.

[The Peasants lay down their weapons, and follow the Funeral Procession till it reaches the village. There, joined by


the other villagers, it passes through the churchyard, where Adam is standing by the empty grave, into the Church. The coffin is placed in the nave; and Father Gabriel, advancing to the chancel, followed by Eve and Prince Lucifer, marries them in presence of his flock. The coffin is then brought to the altar-rails.]
Marriage and Burial:—these are twin.
Both Love and Death are born of Sin;
And God is justified therein.
Man soweth ill, God reapeth good,
Reapeth His harvest when He would,
Is wisest when least understood.
The Flower that lies beneath these flowers,
Its task done in this world of ours,
Is gathered to the Triune Powers.
It was a love-gift timely sent:
It was not given, 'twas only lent,
As God's indulgent instrument.
The eyes of Faith are never dim:
It is not dead, it lives with Him;
It knows what know the Seraphim.


Unto the dust though I commit
Its mortal semblance, as is fit,
The Cherubim have charge of it.
I will stay here, and pray. Go, you!

[All, except Eve, pass into the churchyard, where Father Gabriel recites the Funeral Service. That over, all disperse, excepting Prince Lucifer and Adam.]
That road did lead to death, and then to marriage.

A man may be a prophet without knowing it.
And, maybe, exhalations from the grave
Have inspiration in them. Look you, sir!
Is't not as shapely as I promised it?
No sheets could be more smooth. And you must put
Some pretty marble over it, and words
As touching as its mother.

That, she will.
Lord! What a world of luggage we do take
On a short journey at the end whereof


We shall need none. The Gods themselves provide
A change for all, when this soiled trudge is o'er.
[He enters the Church, where Eve is still praying. He touches her on the shoulder.]
Come, child, come!