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The Book of Psalms in English Metre

The Newest Version Fitted to the Common Tunes. By Charles Darby

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Grudge not to see the wicked man,
In wealth to thrive amain:
For like the grass that is cut down,
He soon shall fade again.


To trust in God and to do good,
Still let it be thy care:
Then in the land thou long shalt dwell,
And find a plenty there.


Delight in him and he will grant,
Whatever thou canst say:
Commit thy cares to him alone,
And he will find away.


The Lord as clear as day at noon,
Will make thy innocence:
Then rest on him contentedly,
And wait with patience.


Fret not thy self, though wicked men
May prosper for a while:
Nor envy thou their happiness,
Though all things seem to smile.



For workers of iniquity,
The Lord shall soon destroy:
But they that wait upon the Lord,
Shall long the land enjoy.


Wait but a while, and thou no more
These wicked men shalt see:
Their houses and their mansion seats,
Shall quite forgotten be.


But they that meek and humble are,
Shall in the land abide:
And shall with peace and plenty both,
Be fill'd and satisfi'd.


The wicked plot against the just;
Their teeth in rage they whet:
But God derides them; for he sees
Their day of vengeance set.


They draw their swords and bend their bows
Against the good and just:
Their bows shall burst, and all their swords,
Into their hearts be thrust.


A little that a righteous man,
Doth in this world possess,
Excels the large estates of those,
That live in wickedness.


The Lord will break the sinners arms,
But righteous men maintains:
An everlasting heritage,
For upright men remains.


They never shall ashamed be,
When evil days betide:
And in a time of scarcity,
They shall be satisfy'd.



But such as fight against the Lord,
He quickly will destroy,
As fat of lambs on altars burnt,
In smoak consumes away.


The wicked man doth borrow much,
And never pays again:
But righteous men will freely give,
The needy to sustain.


For from the blessing of the Lord,
Their plenty they derive:
And they that cursed are of him,
Can never hope to thrive.


The Lord doth guide the good mans steps,
And in his way delight:
He keeps him so, that though he falls,
He shall not perish quite.


I have been young, and now am old,
And never yet did see,
The children of the merciful,
Reduc'd to beggery.


He freely lends, and to his seed,
The Lord will it restore:
Then cease from evil, and do good,
And dwell for evermore.


For to his saints the righteous Lord,
Will sure possessions give:
But branches of a wicked root,
Permits not long to live.


A righteous man his tongue doth rule,
And with discretion guide:


The law of God is in his heart,
His steps shall never slide.


Though wicked men the good man watch,
And seek his life for spite:
God will not leave him in their hands,
But judge and do him right.


Wait on the Lord, and keep his way,
And shortly thou shalt see,
He will cut off the wicked man,
But bless and prosper thee.


I saw the wicked in great power,
And spread like lawrels green:
But suddenly he past away,
And could no more be seen.


Mark the upright and perfect man;
His end is peace and joy:
But sad shall be the sinners end,
For God shall them destroy.


But the salvation of the just,
Doth from the Lord proceed:
For he in trouble is their help,
And strength in time of need.


And still against the wicked race,
He will be their defence,
Because in him, and him alone,
They put their confidence.