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I cannot, Sir, yet charge You (I confess)
With any Act, the least Unworthyness:
But you must know I here live close, conceal'd,
Hid from the World (the cause not now reveal'd)
Mind (next) Contemplative; here, lastly do
But sojourn late, may be Observ'd with You:
Wanton Compliance thought: when roul'd about
Her full black Eyes (each choice resplendent Scout)
Before and on the sides tho partly Fear
Their Beams might them betray: Bird flutt'ring there,
Next, babling Leaves oreheard, with wand'ring Blast.
Orsamnes when; Be those Nice Thoughts orepast
(Madam) I pray, such jealous Clouds dispel;
Your Honor shall be vindicated well
By Me whatere: that Fault mine own be told;
And let me joyn short Lovers Suit, unfold.