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With Sacrifice and Songs attone
The Gods, who did my Wishes crown,
And to my Arms brought back again
My Numida, just come from Spain;
To him his Friends their Joys impart:
But only Lamia fills his Heart;
They ever faithful, ever true,
Together liv'd, together grew.
With a white Mark appoint the Day
For Drinking, Mirth, and am'rous Play;


In foaming Goblets pour the Wine,
And let the active Dance begin.
Fair Damalis shall baulk her Glass,
To fill her Numida's Embrace.
The Rose, the Lilly, and each Flow'r
Shall join to dress the fragrant Bow'r:
Fair Damalis all others scorns,
And only for her Hero burns:
She twines her Arms around his Waste,
As Ivy close, as Ivy fast.