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Poems on Several Occasions

With some Select Essays in Prose. In Two Volumes. By John Hughes; Adorn'd with Sculptures

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Victoria comes! She leaves the forag'd Groves!
Her flying Camp of Graces and of Loves
Strike all their Tents, and for the March prepare,
And to new Scenes of Triumph wait the Fair.
Unlike the Slaves which other Warriors gain,
That loath Subjection, and wou'd break their Chain,
Her rural Slaves their absent Victor mourn,
And wish not Liberty, but her Return.
The conquer'd Countries droop, while she's away,
And slowly to the Spring their Contribution pay,
While cooing Turtles, doubly now alone,
With their lost Loves another Loss bemoan.
Mean time in peopled Cities Crouds press on,
And jealous seem who shall be first undone.
Vict'ries, like Fame, before th'Invader fly,
And Lovers yet unseeing haste to die.
While She, with careless unelated Mind,
Hears daily Conquests which She ne'er design'd:
In Her a soft, yet cruel Heart is found,
Averse to cure, and vainly griev'd to wound.