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Mr. Cooke's Original Poems

with Imitations and Translations of Several Select Passages of the Antients, In Four Parts: To which are added Proposals For perfecting the English Language

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ODE the Nineteenth. A New Year's Ode, or Ballad, For the Year 1741.

Come my Countrymen all, and, like Englishmen bold,
Let us hail the new Year, nor speak well of the old:
Let us strive with our Might, let us pray, let us fast,
That the new may be better by much than the last.
Let us beg that a Parliament new may be giv'n;
Let us pray for the good Number three and not sev'n:
May our Fleets which so wantonly ride o'er the Main,
Which so gayly have rode it and rode it again,


Make our Enemys tremble, and make them but few:
With Conquest and Glory to return will be new.
May our Armys be useful at Home or abroad,
In subduing our Foes, or in mending the Road;
And, tho some are wrong-headed, may none be so wrong
As to quarrel with me, because of my new Song.
May our Bishops, (God bless them!) of Learning the Chief,
With the new Year, some of them, turn o'er a new Leaf!
May the State, if it wants it, be chang'd in each Thing;
Ev'ry Person be new there, except a new King:
And, that all who deserve it may have what is new,
May this Year give the Devil and Tyburn their Due.