University of Virginia Library

Stooping with age, he dodders as he goes,
From his red eyes a rheumy torrent flows,


Like winter fruit, his yellow rivel'd skin
Dams up the little blood that creeps within,
Threescore and ten have quench'd his vital heat,
And his decaying pulses scarcely beat;
Yet thus disabled, for the longing dame
he feels the pangs of love, though not the flame;
Fair Raggabel, that near his college-gate
Fine china sells, and tea, and chocolate,
Or mends old tatter'd gowns with matchless art,
Shines in his eye, and triumphs in his heart;
Oft to her shop the feeble lecher strays,
Toys with her hand, or with her bubbies plays;
On her dear face he rolls his doting eyes,
As she weighs coffee, or the needle plies;
One evening, prostrate on his tottering knees,
The sapless dotard spoke in words like these;