University of Virginia Library

XLVIII. The sone of god is man become
Pro salute fidelium.


The sonne of god and king of blis,
Whoos ioye and blis shall neuir mys,
Of a pure mayde man become is
Pro salute fidelium.


What tyme Adam, oure first parent,
Had geve consent to the serpent,
As man to die was his entent
Pro salute fidelium.


Whenne he was xxx. winter olde,
For xxx plates he was solde
By fals Iudas to Iewes bolde
Pro salute fidelium.


Vppon his hede a crowne of thorne
The Iewes sette thanne with gret scorne,
And with scourgis his flesshe was torne
Pro salute fidelium.



The Iewes than of wikked moode
Nayled his body on the roode,
Wheron he shed his precious bloode
Pro salute fidelium.


He was dede and in his graue leyde,
And the day, as scripture seyde,
He rose ayene and to blis steyde
Pro salute fidelium.


He toke with hym withoute delay
Moder Marie, wyfe and may,
The whiche incessantly doth pray
Pro salute fidelium.


That lorde and king by his grete myght
Cause vs to dwell in blisse so bright,
That fro blis into Mary light
Pro salute fidelium.