University of Virginia Library

The .xxxvi. Psalme.

The vngodlye mans wyckednesse testyfye thin myne herte:
That of the feare of God there is in him no maner parte.
For in hys owne conceyte he doeth stande wonderfully well:
Tyll suche tyme as hys wyckednes doeth all hatered excel.
Uniuste and disceytfull are the wordes of hys mouth eche one:
And of the doctryne that doeth teache to do good, he wyl none.
In hys bed he inuenteth synne, and doeth himselfe addresse:

To walke forth in a wycked waye, he doeth no vice represse.
O Lorde thy mercie is aboue in the heauens so hye:
And aboue all the elementes thy trueth and veritie.
Thy iustice is lyke great mountaynes, & thy iudgmentes ryght depe:
Boeth man and beaste thou wylt (O Lorde) alwaye preserue and kepe.
Thy mercifull goodnes (O God) is ryght, famouse in dede:
And to thy charge the sonnes of men haue them selfe committed.
Through the greate plētie of thyne house they shall be druncke I thyncke:
Of the streame of thy delicates, thou wylt geue them to dryncke.
For the vene or fountayne of lyfe is in thyn hande or myght:
And in thy bryghtnes thy seruauntes shall alwaye perceyue lyght.
Spreade out thy mercie ouer them that do acknowledge the:
And eke thy ryghtuousenes on them, that of vpright herte be.
Let no fote of pryde come to me, make proude men from me flye:
Let me not be moued by the powre of the vngodly.

For emōg them such men as haue wrought wyckednes dyd fall:
They were driuen magre a theyr heade, they had no staye at all.