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Trivial poems

and triolets. Written in obedience to Mrs Tomkin's commands, By Patrick Carey

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Nulla Fides.


For God's sake marcke that fly:
See what a poore, weake, little thing itt is.
When thou hast marck'd, and scorn'd itt; know that this,
This little, poore, weake fly
Has kill'd a pope; can make an emp'rour dye.


Behold yon sparcke of fire:
How little hott! how neare to nothing 'tis!
When thou hast donne despising, know that this,
This contemn'd sparcke of fire,
Has burn't whole townes; can burne a world entire.


That crawling worme there see:
Ponder how ugly, filthy, uild itt is.
When thou hast seene and loath'd itt, know that this
This base worme thou doest see,
Has quite deuour'd thy parents; shall eate thee.


Honour, the world, and man,
What trifles are they! Since most true itt is


That this poore fly, this little sparcke, this
Soe much abhorr'd worm, can
Honour destroy; burne worlds; deuoure up man.