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Ȝute hy nome biterliche and forþor him ladde
Hy harled him & grenned ek & loude ȝolle & gradde
A gret hous he sey biuore hym stonde long & brod inou
Þe stench & hete þat þerof com him þoȝte almest him slou
He wiþstod & nolde is þonkes for stenche go ner
Veor þou ssalt þe deuelen sede þou ne sselt noȝt abide her
A baþ it is þat þou sixt and þer inne þou sselt be[o]
And baþie wiþ oþer hine þou ne sselt noȝt hanne vle[o]
Þe gostes þat þer inne were wel deoluoliche cride
And loude ȝolle as he hurde aboute in euerich side
Þis kniȝt wiþ þis foule wiȝtes into þis house com
Of tormens þat he þer isey gret game wiþ alle nom
Vor fol of puttes & of diches þis hous wiþinne was


Alle hy were vol of strange tormens amty non þer nas
Of wellynge led ifuld hi were of led & brymston
Of bras and oþer strange tormens boillinge euerichon
Wrecche gostes þer ine sete þe torment tilde heiȝe
Somme al aboute þe heued & somme up to þan eiȝe
Somme to nose & somme to mouþ & somme up to þe swere
And somme to þe wrecche breste & aboȝte hore sunne deore
Somme up to þe nauele and somme dounor more
And somme stod up to þe kne[o] and cride and wope sore
And somme stod in boþe vet & somme bote by on
Ac deoluoliche hi cride inou and wope euerichon
Nou þou suxst quaþ þis deuelen war inne þou sselt gon
Bote þou wolle anoþer speke & to us turne anon
Hy nome & caste him in a put in Iesus anon he cride
And com up anon hol & sond him ne luste no leng abide