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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Quod quinque vicibus sanguinem suum pro nobis fudit.

ffyue sith I fynde his blode he shed
ffor vs, as I shal sone say.
the first was this day quen he bled
In crach & childhode as he lay,
A gode bigynnyng þer he mas
to forbie vs with his bl,
ffor old laȝe that thenne vset was
ffulfille he wold, þat frelie fode.
The secunde time that blode shed he
was bifore that he was tane
with Iewes, as wel reden we,
when his gret passioun bigan,
ffor quen he hade made mavnde
with his disciples euerychone,
Into a ȝerde þen went he
And alle þai, as witnes sayn Ion,
And þer he praiet in gret tristesse,
that blody swote from hym ran doun,
In-as-mich as he mon wes,
for drede of his gret passioun.