University of Virginia Library

My deare Parthenia, let no cloudy passion
Of dull despaire molest thee, or vnfashion
Thy better thoughts, to make thy troubled mind
Either forgetfull, or thy selfe vnkind.
Starue not my pining hopes, with longer stay
My loue hath wings, and brookes no long delay.
It houers vp and downe, and cannot rest
Vntill it light, and perch vpon thy brest.
Torment not him, within these lingring fires,
That's rackt already on his owne desires.
Seale and deliuer as thy deed, that band,
Whereto thy promist faith hath set her hand;
And what our plighted hearts, and mutuall vow
Haue so long since begun, O finish now;
That our imperfect and halfe pleasures may
Receiue perfection, by a mariage day: