University of Virginia Library


Composed in the Jtalian tongue BY GIOVANNI CROCE.

Newly Englished.


To the vertuous Louers of Musicke.



Lord, in thy wrath reproue mee not seuearly,
Nor punish me in thy deseru'd displeasure:
Haue mercy on my Sinns exceeding measure,
For full of feares, my Soule is vexed drearly.
Saue it (O Lord) Almightie-most Supernall,
Saue it (alas) from the'uer-neuer Dying:
For who in deepe Hell (and fierce Torments frying)
Shall sing thy praise, or can extoll th'Eternall?
Long haue I Languisht in my grieuous Sorrow's,
My bed and bosome, with my teares I water:
My foes Despight hath ploughd my face with furrows.
But (now my Soule) let the vngodly Scatter:
Hence yee wicked, sith God (so gracious for vs)
Hath heard my moan, and doth regard my matter.



Blessed are they, whose faults (so oft forbidden)
Haue free forgiuenes, and a full remission:
And they whose Sinns (of Act and of Omission)
Are not Imputed, but in mercy hidden.
Therefore my Crime I haue confest before thee;
Which graciously (my God) thou hast forgiuen:
The more therefore I Laude thee (King of Heauen)
And all thy Saints shall in due time adore thee.
O thou my Refuge, and my Consolation,
Deliuer me my God which art Almightie:
From Enemies that enuie my Saluation.
A many Rods pursue the Sinner (rightly)
But those that place in thee their expectation,
Grace shall embrace. Ioy yee that walk vprightly.



Lord, in thine Anger doe no more reprooue me,
Nor in thy Furie multiply my Sorrows;
For in my fleash I Feele thy fearfull Arrows:
Thy heauie hand doth vnto Goodnes mooue me.
Sick, in it selfe my Soule doth Sigh and Languish:
Because my Sins so Wholely ouercame mee,
Sorely afflicted, and all humbled am I;
And in my playnt, my hart Roars out for Anguish.
My Strength eu'n fail's me, and my Sight hath fled me,
And euery one Endeauours to vndoo mee,
But I as Deaf, the while with Dumbnes sped me.
In thee I hope (my God) Ah listen to me:
Ah, Leaue me not (thou that canst best bested me)
Thou my Saluation, and Comfort sole vnto me.



Shew mercy Lord on mee most haynous Sinner,
And mortifie my Sin so grieuous guiltie;
O cleanse me from it, Purifie me Filthy;
For in thy sight Lord I am onely Sinner.
In Sin (thou know'st) my Sinfull mother bore mee:
But O thou Guide vnto the heau'nly Cittie,
Wash, wash my Soule in Lauer of thy Pittie,
So shall no Snowe in whitenesse goe before mee.
Giue me a cleane hart, an vntainted Spirit;
And of thy Grace, and Face bereaue me neuer;
So shall I more adore thy Name and feare it,
And to thy Seruice more and more endeauour:
Sith broken harts (as doth thy Voice auer it)
Are th'only Sacrifice thou Ioy'st in euer.


FIFT SONNET Ex Psal. 102.

Harken O Lord vnto mine humble Playnings,
Hide not thy Face for euer in thine Anger:
My Dayes doe vade as Smoak, my hart in Langor,
Hyes (Flyes) to thee: why Shu'nst thou my Complaynings?
Friends haue I none; now from me All are flying:
In sted of Bread I haue ben fed with Ashes,
My Drinck my Tears; while I haue felt the Lashes
Of thy fierce Wrath, for all mine often Crying.
All Kings and Nati'ons shall admire thy Glory,
When thou, the Sighs of humble Soules attendest;
It shall be Writ in an Eternall Story.
Ah! Leaue me not, Thou, thou that All Defendest,
That madest All (Heau'n, Earth, and Ocean hoarie)
That neuer didst Begin, and neuer Endest.


SIXT SONNET Ex Psal. 102.

From profound Center of my hart I cryed
To thee O Lord, Lord let thine Eare draw neer mee,
To note my Movrnings, and quick-quickly heare mee;
Heare my Sad Grones, to thy Sweet Grace applyed.
Lord, if thou looke with Rigovr downe into Vs,
To mark our Sin, O who shall then abide it?
But, if with Pardon thou bee pleas'd to hide it
(If Mercy thou Vouchsafe) What shall Vndoo Vs?
Vpon thy Word my Sovle hath firmly reared
Her Tower of Trvst, there is my Hope possessed;
With thee is Mercy, that thou maist bee feared;
Mercy, for those that are in Sovle depressed,
Israels Redeemer, Whom thou hast endeered
Beecom's through thee, of Sinner, Saint and Blessed.



Listen O Lord vnto my Prostrate Prayer,
Nor into Ivdgment with thy Seruant enter:
For who is Ivst? The foule infernall Tempter
Pursues my Sovle with Terrors of Despayre.
My hart's all inly Vext. Yet I apply'd mee
To waigh thy Works, thy Wonders I obserued,
But to thy Mercy the Chiefe place reserued?
Then Shew my Sin, and in thy Seruice guide mee.
Succour mee Lord, Saue mee with expedition,
My Spirit fainteth: therefore mine affection,
My Minde, my Sovle, I lift (with all Submission)
To thee my Lord, my God, and my protection:
Draw mee from Danger vnder thy Tuition,
For I thy Seruant am by thine Election.