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Mirrovr of new reformation

wherein reformers, by their owne acknowledgement, are represented ad viuum. The beauty also of their handy-worke is displayed

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XXXVII. The Godly industry of reformers to bring there handy-work to perfection.


XXXVII. The Godly industry of reformers to bring there handy-work to perfection.

Lvther pretending cleerely to reforme
The Roman Church, did raise his firster storme



See Luth. Tom. 2. fol. 63. & Sleydan. l. 6. f. 232.


Luth. Tom. 2. fol. 63.

Pope, &

See Luth. de votis monast. Tom. 2.

Monks: but not content

With that, he straight his second forces bent
Against the

See before. XI. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.


See his cutting of foure Sacraments at a blow. Tom. 2. f. 63. see likewise before. XI. 13. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

Sacraments, and

Luth. Assert. artic. 1. & conc. de penit. & de capt. Babyl. cap. de Baptism.



See acts and monuments p. 402. & before. XI. 25. 26. 27.


The doctrine of workes is the doctrine of Diuels. Luth. de vot. monast. see him also serm. de piscat. Petri ad c. 2. ep. ad Galatas, serm. de nou. Test. ad Euang. in die Nat. Christi, & Passion. see next before. 7. and besides at XI. 22. 24. 29.


See his booke de seruo arbitr. Tom. 2. f. 424.


See him de abrogat. Miss. priuat. Tom. 1. f. 244. see also f. 720. see likewise before. VI. 2. & IX. 2.


Yet was he iudged scarce to haue vntyl'd
The roofe of Babylon, Zuinglius compyl'd
A second Reformation, and complain'd
Of diuers things, which Luther stil retain'd,
As th'

M. Parker confesseth that Luther crossed himself morning and euening, and is seen neuer painted praying, but before a crucifix. against symbolis. part. 1. c. 2. sect. 30. p. 105. see Io. Creuel. refut. cerem. Miss. p. 118. and Io. Manl. loc. comm. p. 636.

Real presence, with the

Zuingl. Tom. 2. fol. 375. 416.

Crosse to blesse,


As touching the inuocation of Saints (saith Luther) I think with the whole Christian Church, and hold that Saints are to be honoured by vs and inuocated. purgat. quorund. art, & in Ep. ad Georg. Spalat.


I neuer denyed Purgatory (saith Luther) and yet I belieue it, as I haue often written & confessed. Tom. 7. f. 132. aduersus bullam. see him also in disput. Lips. c. de purgat. & resolut. de Indulg. conclus. 16. see likewise Zuinglian. Tom. 2. fol. 378.


If it was lawful, saith Luther, for the Iewes to haue the picture of Cæsar vpon their coynes, much more is it lawful for Christiās to haue in their Churches, crosses, and images of Mary. See this cited forth of Luther by the protestant Hospin. histor. Sacramen. p. 2. f. 33. and see Luther in consolat. prolab. c. 6.


Yet was he censur'd nothing to haue done
But slightly

M. Hooker affirmeth of the Anti-Trinitarians, that following the course of extreame reformation, they were wont in pride of their owne proceedings to glory, that Luther did blow away the roofe, & Zuinglius batter but the wals of superstition &c. Eccles. pol. l. 5. sect. 42. p. 89.

battred superstition.

Caluin, with Beza and their fellowes try'd
To make the Church yet purer, and deny'd

See this affirmed of Caluin, by Schlusselb. theol. Cal. lib. 1. f. 60. & 61. and see himself in Append. ad lib. de Eccles. reform. & Epist. 51.

persons Baptisme in a needful case,

Saints feasts,

See Whitg. def. 548. 549. 550.


This, though as al know, it be denied by the Caluinists, yet is it defended by Zuinglius. l. ep. Zuingl. & Oecolamp. l. 1. p. 274.

of grace,


See the Caluinists reproued for this doctrine by Lobethius disput. theol. p. 301. by Andr. Althamerus concil. loc. scrip. pugnant. loc. 164. by Iac. Helbrun. in Swenck f. Caluin. p. 55. and others.

of Priests t'absolue the penitent,


See M. Whitg. def. 216. 286. 291.

, ceremonies,

Ib. p. 270. see also M. Couel. exam. p. 63. 64. Zanch comp. loc. 16. p. 639.


See this impugned by M. Willet Lymbe-mast. in his special book that Christ descended not into hel by M. Fulk alleaged by M. Willet, synops. p. 605. 606.


To Hel,

See M. Whitg. def. troughout.

al Churches Headships to reside

In Bishops, and to their wils law's t' be ty'd.
Yet did not here this reformation rest,
Others condemn'd this, as a

So farre doth M. Barrow & his disciples disclayme from this third pretended reformation of Puritans, that (as M. Bernard reporteth) Barrow calleth their way in contempt, A silly Presbitory and Eldership, Perfidie and Apostacy, the building of a false Church to the Harlot, a second Beast, &c. Wretched disciples of Caluin, Counter-faith Reformists, trāsgressours of the worship of God &c. And further Barrow and Greenwood doe auouch the Puritans doctrine as new, strange, and Antichristian, &c.

second beast,

A fained Church vnto the Harlot built,
Reformists al with forged colours guilt,
Sinneful prouokers of the Eternal's wrath,
A fond, new, strange, and Antichristian faith.
These say, that th'heyght of reformation,
Is to throw al

See M. Hall's Apology ag. the Brownists sect. 45. 46. Hooker Eccles. pol. l. 5. sect. 17. Doue in def. of the Ch. gouern. p. 68.

material Churches downe,


See Barrow his owne booke impugning vniuersityes.



reiect the prayer

Our Lord (we say) did for his Church prepare.
Neither doth yet this reformation please;
To make the Church most pure, & from disease


Of al corruptions cleere, the

The Arians in the reformed Churches of Poland, thinke the very beliefe of the Trinity to be a part of Antichristian corruption, and that the Popes triple crowne is a sensible marke, whereby the world might know him to be that mysterial beast spoken of in the Reuelation, in no respect so much, as in his doctrine of the Trinity. M. Hooker in his Eccles. poli. l. 4. p. 183.


Must be impugned, with Christ his Deity.
Stay, stay, great Sages of this wondrous Church,
Whither at last wil your admired torch,
The Spirit, conduct you? whither wil you goe?
For what coasts are you bound? ô, now I know;
Belike y' are bound with your reformed couple

Alcyatus became a Mahometist, saith Osiander, as Gentilis himself relateth. epit. cent. 16. p. 207. see also Beza ep. 81.

and Neuzer,

Adam Neuzerus, (saith Schlusselberg) sometimes chiefe Pastour of the Church of Heidelberg, passed from Zuinglianisme, through Arianisme, to Turcisme, with many other Caluinists. Theol. Calu. l. 1. art. 2. fol. 9. see Osiand. vbi supra p. 208. 818. where he affirmeth that he fel into Turcisme, and was circumcized at Constantinople.

for Constantinople.

The Anti-Trinitarians (saith Osiander) doe boast that Luther did scarce vncouer the roofe of the Babylonian tower. cent. 16. p. 209. see hereafter at 17.

Zuinglius, say they, battered but the wals of Popish superstition, the last and hardest worke of al remained for them, which was to raze vp the very ground & foundation of Popery, euen the doctrine concerning the Deity of Christ. Idd. 5. sect. 42. & 89.