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Love's Dialect

or; Poeticall Varieties; Digested Into a Miscelanie of various fancies. Composed by Tho. Iordan

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An Epitaph on his kind friend, Mr. Iohn Honiman, Gent.


An Epitaph on his kind friend, Mr. Iohn Honiman, Gent.

Thou that couldst never weepe, and know'st not why
Teares should be spent but in mans infancy,
Come and repent thy error for here lyes
A Theame for Angels to write Elegies,
Had they the losse as we have; such a one
As nature kild for his perfection,
And when shee sends those vertues backe agen
His stocke shall serve for twenty vertuous men.
In Aprill dyed this Aprill to finde May
In Paradise, or celebrate a day
With some celestiall creature, had he beene
Design'd for other then a Cherubin;
Earth would have gave him choice; he was a man
So sweetly good, that he who wisely can
Describe at large, must such another be,
Or court no Muses but Divinitie.
Here will I rest, for feare the Readers eyes
Vpon his urne become a Sacrifice.