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Seuen bookes of Epigrames written by T. B. [i.e. Thomas Bastard]

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Epigr. 33.

If ye aske Lætus why he keepes no Christmasse,
Being so rich, hauing so large reuenue:
Hee'le say he is in debt, or hath some purchase,
Or hath begonne it and can not continue.
Porus hath many legacyes to pay,


Though Lætus he exceede in welth or land.
But Dacus will do good some other way,
Cacus would, weare his mony in his hand:
Olde Misus saith, let them spend wich can get,
Corus would now, but all things are to deare.
Germanus saith, you do not know my lett,
And Caius will keepe house an other yeare.
O wretched times, but our times iust abuse,
That euer doing good should haue excuse.