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The Legend of the Holy Grail

its Sources, Character and Development, by Dorothy Kempe. The introduction to, and Part V of, Herry Lovelich's verse "History of the Holy Grail,"

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Thus spoken they longe of this Matere,
and Gret Comfort to hem it was there
that hem god schewede so his Myht,
that departed weren Many A Nyht,
And so sodeynly to-Gederis I-Comen Alle,
Gret Ioye Amonges hem was be-falle.
Thanne Axede the kyng After Iosephes Anon,
Into what partyes that he was gon.
thanne ansswerede Nasciens to hym ful sone,
& seide, kyng Crwdelx hadde hem in preson done.
thanne answerid kyng Mordrayns Agayn,
that vppon him wolde he werren ful pleyn,
And distroyen bothe Rente And lond,
and Al that Evere he kepith In hond,
but ȝif he deliuere Owt Of preson
Iosephs and His Meyne Echon.”
and to this they Cordeden Alle,
what so Evere there-Offen myhte befalle.
vppon the Morwen, whanne it was day,
he Comanden his payylouns to ben taken Away,
And Comanded his Ost Anon
to Maken hem Redy Everichon;
and so Ryden they forth In Compenye
Tyl to Northgales Comen they Sekerlye.
thanne sente he to kyng Crwdelx In haste,
‘that the Crestene he deliuerede faste,
wheche he kepte In his preson
with-Owten Skele Other Ony Reson;
and, but my biddyng he do, Certeyne
It schal hym Greven In Every veyne,
Other I schal hym putten In swich a place,
thens Owt to Comen schal he neuere han grace.”


whanne these Messengers forth weren gon,
and to kyng Crwdelx Comen thus son,
and tolden him Clene his Message,
which took he In pryde and In Rage,
‘and Nolde ryht nowht don for his sonde,
but Charged hym to gon Owt Of his londe.’
whanne kyng Mordrayns here-Offen herde telle
that kyng Crwdelx was so fekel and felle,
Anon kyng Mordrayns gan to Owtraye,
and Al the Contre gan for to Afraye,
and brend bothe Castel and town,
& there dide he mochel distrocciown.
whanne kyng Crwdelx herde Of this,
that kyng Mordrains dide so mochel Amys,
after Alle his peple thanne sente he þere
Into Alle Contres bothe fer & Nere,
that to hym they scholden Come faste
to the Cyte Of legwetone In haste.
and whanne thedir Assembled they were,
be Acomptes .v. thousend w[e]ren there,
what On horsbak and On foote,
as here kyng dide hem boote.
and On the Morwe atte Owr Of pryme
he him buskede forth betyme
vppon the Cristene forto Ryde,
So he hym Ordeynede At that tyde.
and whanne they weren Owt Of þe Cite
the Mowntawnce Of half here Iorne,
thanne Cam A paynem to þe kyng Anon,
“Siker vs behoveth Everychon
to vs forto taken Oure Armure,
and þat Every man In him self be sure.
Lo, behold the peple Of Cristiente,
how faste On vs the gynnen comen fle,
A thowsend On ward here Mown ȝe se,
Of Men wel harneyse[d] In Alle degre.”


Whanne these tydynges to kyng Crwdelx Come,
It was past pryme to-wardis the None;
and anon he axede A paynem ful Certeinle
what peple there was Of Cristiente.
“ȝe, sire, trewly, quod the Messenger,
Of Cristene is Gret peple ther.”
anon the kyng to Armure wente,
and Ordeyned his batailles veramente,
and to Euerich Ordeyned A governour,
whiche him thowhte nedful In that stour.
and In the Ordeyneng Of his bataille,
the Cristene Of A Mowntayn discended sauns faille,
harneysed Clene In Alle degre:
this behelden the Paynemis sekerle,
and sire Nasciens here ledere was,
A worthy knyht, and ful of Gras.
whanne bothe batailles Asembled were,
Atte Erthe was feld Many paynem there,
And a gret Cry Anon there Was
Of bothe Ostes In that plas.
There A man Merveilles Of Armes Miht se,
Of sire Nasciens In Many degre,
And Also Of þe dewk Gaanor;
So Manie Merveilles wrowhten they thor,
that wondir it was forto se
Of tho two worthi knyhtes sikerle.
Thus tho two Batailles I-sembled were,
as to-forn ȝe herden rehersen here:
there slowen they paynemis Manion,
that lyen there as dede As ston.
thanne Entrede In to bataille kyng Mordrayn,
with Many A knyht and Many A swayn;
and so On bothe Sides fawht he sore,
and tawht the Sarraȝines Of Cristene lore,
& swiche stowte strokes ȝaf he Abowte,
that Many paynem he Made to lowte.


thanne kyng Crwdelx beheld Al this,
hym thouhte that pley wente Al Amys;
thanne kyng Crwdelx gan hym to discrye,
And Comanded his Men Anon In hye,
“werre ȝe faste vppon this Man;
And that he ne skape ȝif ȝe kan,
but him ȝe sle, & saveth hym Me
that he not Askape In non degre.”
Whanne they herden here lord sein so,
Aȝens kyng Mordrains Gonne they go,
and what with swerdes and with spere
they hunten kyng Mordrayns ful sore there,
and so Manye woundes On hym he bar,
that Merveylle was they ne hadde slayn him thar;
and Evere he defended him As A man
So Merveillously, that it was wondir than
that Evere Ony man Of his Age
Scholde haven half so moche Corage;
ȝit Sekerly slayn scholde he han be
Ne hadde dewk Gaanor ben Sekerle,
that thedir Cam be Aventure,
to Rescu goddis knyht, I the Ensure.
And whanne that he say kyng Mordrayn
On the Erthe liggen In Certeyn,
and vnder-nethen here hors feet,
Into that part he prekede Also skeet,
and his swerd On lefte he lyft vpe there,
& Mette with kyng Crwdelx In Evel Manere;
so he smot hym On his helm An hy,
and sore hym wowndid & bitterly,
that Owt Of his Sadel he fel ful son,
and Rescu hadde non oþer for hem Echon;
but Atte Grownde As A ded Man lay,
which was to hym A sory play.
and whiles the dewk Gaanor fawht so,
Sire Nasciens In to that part gan go;


There As kyng Mordrayns was holden down,
Amonges hem he prekede As A fers lyown,
and disparpoilled that Meyne Anon.
Into that pres he gan forth gon,
and On bothe Sides leide On so faste,
that Made the fir owt of here Eyen breste.
and whanne they of North gales gonne be-holde
that here Lord At the Erthe lay Colde,
and wownded Evene to the ded,
and Myht not Remwen owt of þat sted,
thanne dismayed weren they Everychon,
and to here hors they fledden Anon,
and homwardis gonnen to flen wel faste,
whanne Owt Of þat Ost they myhten breste.
And thus As ȝe han herd now here,
They of Northgales Scomfited were.
thanne whanne kyng Mordrains sawh hem fle,
Thanne Riht Anon Comanded he
That Of hem scholde Asckape not On,
but Into the Cyte After hem Gon,
and that with-Inne with hem ȝe be,
what so befalle In Ony degre.
they fulfilden the kynges Comandement,
and aftir they preken verament,
Tel they Comen to that Cyte,
and In with hem Entrede Certeynle,
So that there Amyddes the stretes,
Of paynemis they Maden ful gret hepes,
that non Man non grownd ne myhte Sen there,
but Al keverid with blood Every where;
For there was so gret Mortalyte,
and Of paynemis ded so gret plente,
For so sore that day they fowhte,
that of miscreaunt ne paynem they ne Rowhte;
but long Er that it was Eve that day
Neþer paynem ne Miscreant þere lefte In fay,


but dede they weren Everychon,
That on lyve ne lefte not On.
At Even whanne Mordrayns Cam to his Ostel,
his Meyne that he trosted ful wel
Seiden, “Of ȝoure Age was neuere Man non
that swiche Merveilles myhte werken As ȝe han don.”
thanne seide to hem the kyng agayn,
“It was neuere I, lordinges, In Certeyn;
For he that alle strengthes ben herberwed Inne,
Me hath deliuered from Paynemis Gynne;
and ȝif ȝe supposen it In Me trewelye,
Sekyr the thinken On me folye.”
thanne On-armed they hym Anon,
And On hym fownden wowndes Manion,
So that Abascht the weren ful sore;
So many woundes he hadde thore.
Thanne gonnen they Axen Of his Chere,
and how that he felte his herte there,
he seide that harm felte he Non
Of As Many woundes As hym weren vppon.
Thanne took he Iosephs Owt of preson Anon,
and with hym his feleschepe Everychon.
whanne Iosephes was Comen to þe paleys,
Aȝens hym the kyng Ran & wolde not ses,
and for gret Ioye Often hym kyste,
for wel he loved him, and that he wyste.
thanne Iosephes Axede hym Anon
what Made him Into tho partyes gon,
and the kyng hym took On Syde
Fer from his Meyne At that tyde,
and tolde him Al his Aviciown
that be Nyht he hadde In Sarras town;
“this, Of My Cawse was the comenge,
I sey ȝow, Iosephes, with owten lesenge.”
“how is It thanne Of Crwdelx the kyng
that vs putte In to presowneng?”


“Sire,” quod kyng Mordrayns to hym Agayn,
“This day In bataille was he slayn;”
and told hym Of Al the victorye
That God hadde sent hem sekerlye.
thanne seide Iosephes to hym ful sone,
“Lo, Sire, how the goode lord kan done,
how goodly he schewet his powere
Amonges the Cristene that so fewe were,
Aȝens þe kyng of Northgales to han victore,
and he In bataylle to be slayn sekerlye.”
that Nyht In the Cite weren Esed Everichon,
Alle the Cristene be On and be On;
And vppon the Morwen they Resen alle,
And on knes there gonne they falle
To-fore the table of Seynt Graal;
there Maden they here preyeris, boþe gret and smal,
And thankede Owre lord god of his Seignourie
Of that he hadde sent hem victorye,
And of the Conqwest of Northgales kyng:
thus to god maden they here thankyng.
and Iosephes, that of the Cristene, Maister was,
him gan to Reversen In that plas,
and to-fore the holy vessel he wente
To sein his Masse there presente,
As he was wont with devocyown
with Manye an holy Orysown.
thanne kyng Mordrayns, þat longe desired hadde he
Apertly the Seint Gral forto se
þif it Ony wyse ben Myhte,
the Nerre he dressed hym to haven A syhte,
Nerrere than he scholde han do,
& Anon A vois Amongs hem cam tho
That Openly seide to the kyng,
“Go thou non ferthere for non thyng;”
but ȝit Cowde þere neuere tonge telle,
Ne herte Nethir thinken ne spelle,


the gladnesse and þe desir Sekerle
that blessed Seint Graal for to se;
So that he drow hym Ner and Ner,
whiche Sore him Aftyr for-thowhte ther;
and thus sone there discendid On
that his syhte benam hym Anon,
and Ek his power and his Myht Also,
that myht hadde he neyther to stonden ne go,
Ne Onnethis Ony membre to Meve;
lo, what he dyde his God to greve.
whanne he Sawh Oure lord Avenged so be
On hym for his trespas there Openle,
For he hadde broken his Comandement
A-forn Alle the peple; he seide present,
“A, Iesu Crist, ful swete lord,
thou hast me Schewed thorwh thy word
that A fool I am thorugh my trespas!
A, swete lord, I beseche the Of gras!
and, good lord, that thou hast me sent,
It pleseth me ful wel In myn Entent.
Now, worthy Iesus, lord of gret Renown,
that ȝe wolden graunten me for my Gerdown
For my symple and powre Servyse,
that I ne deye not In non wyse
Tyl that þe goode knyht of þe Nynthe degre
Of Sire Nasciens that I Myht se,
whiche þe Merveilles of Seint Graal schal do,
that I mowe sen hym to-foren me go,
that I myhte hym boþe Clippe & kisse,
And that were mochel of my worldly blisse.”
whanne the kyng hadde mad this preyere,
Anon A vois he gan there here,
And seide: “dismaye the not, sire kyng,
For God hath herd thin Askyng,
and thy wil fulfild schal be
Of þat thou desirest ful Sekerle.


For deyen schalt þou nowher here
Tyl that knyht to-foren the Apere;
and what tyme he Cometh to the,
thy sihte Aȝen schal ȝolden be
that thou schalt se ful Openly
Alle Manere Of thing ȝat is the by;
Ek thanne Of thy woundes heled schalt þou be,
and not to foren, sire kyng, Sekerle.”
thus the vois to hym seide there,
and him thus be-hyte In this Manere,
that theke knyht he scholde se
whiche that so moche desired he.
and as Only the vois there Mente,
It were foure persone veramente,
Of Iosephes and his fadir Iosephe,
Nasciens and Celidoyne An hepe.
And whanne the servise Was Al I-do,
the holy vessel they worschepeden Alle tho;
and whanne they hadden so I-don,
To kyng Mordrayns they Comen Anon,
and axeden how it stood with hym
Of Alle hise woundis so sore & Grym.
thanne he Answerid hem Anon,
“Certes, he seide, my sihte is gon,
and Al my power Is me bereved
that Onnethe may I steren membre ne heved,
For þe grete Forfet that I haue do
sethen to this place that I gan go,
For that I desirede forto se
thing that nowht belonged to me,
therefore this veniawnce here sekerly
On me Oure lord hath taken Openly.
And I to ȝow here now make surawnce
that there nas neuere thing so mochel to my plesaunce
as that is now this sonde ful sikerle;
For now wel seker here may I be


that me Oure lord for his Child doth holde,
that Of My sinnes me Chastiseth Manyfolde.”
Thanne Gonne they wepen Alle In fere
For the repentaunce the kyng hadde there;
thanne axeden they him what he wolde do.
he seide ‘that to Galafort thanne wolde he go,
For he wolde maken that Maryage
Of Celidoyne and þe Maiden Of high parage,
which was the kynges dowhter label,
An Onest Mayden, and I love hire wel;
for this is be Goddis Ordenance
that it thus scholde be with-Owten variaunce;’
and that liked hem Alle ful wel to do;
Thanne forth to galafort gonne they go.
Anon whanne that Sarracynte the qwene
knew how it stod al be-dene,
Gret sorwe & deol þere gan sche Make
Anon Ryht for hyre lordis Sake,
and so diden al the Baronage
that Ouer weren Comen at þat passage;
For the kyng so hadde lost his syht,
and therto Of Alle his Membres the Myht;
so diden Nasciens & dewk Gaanore,
For his deseise wepten they ful sore.
and In Middes Of Al here Morneng
they browhten An hors to the kyng,
And An horsbak Setten hym there;
but power to sitten hadde he In non Maner.
and whanne the Barowns behelden this Syht,
that On horsbak to Sitten hadde he non Miht,
A lyter they maden there Anon
that the kyng mihte forth Inne gon,
and Evene thus In this Manere
the kyng to Galafort ladden they there.
that Same day, Schortly to telle,
Celidoine to this maide was wedded ful snelle


whiche was the dowhter Of kyng label,
and ȝoven hem p[o]cesciowns Manye & fel,
and sesid hem Into North gales lond,
kyng of that Rem As I vndirstond;
So that .viij. dayes lasted this Mariage
Of tho two Children Of high parage,
and ful gret Ioye there was to se;
but not so mochel as there scholde han be
as ȝif the kyng hadde ben In hele;
Of Iustes ne pleyes nowher ny so fele.
and whanne this Mariage An Ended was,
As there it happede thorwgh goddis gras,
whanne tyme Cam, As god it wolde,
an Eir they Engendreden bothe faire & bolde,
which A myhty man was In tyme Comenge,
and Of A foreyn lond he was Mad kynge,
and Aftyr his Graunt-fadyr to fore,
Nasciens was he Clepyd thore,
lik As be the devyn Schewenge
was browht to Nasciens In his slepynge,
lyk As he sawh In that wryt there
which was hym browht In preve Manere.
whanne this Maryage was Al I-do,
thanne seide kyng Mordrains to his barowns tho,
that non lengere with hem wolde he dwelle.
“what is thanne, Sire, to don, ȝowre wille?”
“that Schal I sein here riht Anon
to ȝow lordynges now Everychon;
and aftir Iosephes that ȝe sende
that me may Conseillen Into good Ende.”
thanne to Iosephes gonne they gon,
& preiden hym to Come to þe kyng Anon;
and he forth Cam with-Owten taryenge
to weten the wyl Of Mordrains the kynge.
and whanne þe kyng hym herde there,
he him Axede In this Manere,


“Sire, of Cownsail I wolde ȝow pray
what is best to don In Ony way,
for I wolde that ȝe wolden Conseillen Me
Where I myht ben In place preve,
Awey from this peple here
that scholen ben trowbled In diuers Manere,
whiche that were gret Noysaunce to Me
Amonges hem thanne forto be,
for to me scholde it not elles do
but Angwisch, peyne, & Mochel wo.”
“Sire, quod Iosephes to hym Ageyn,
Of this Cownseil I wele ȝeven ȝow fayn;
For besides in this forest here
An hermyt newliche is herberwed there,
which is A Man bothe holy and Able,
and with him to be, for ȝow it were Covenable.”
whanne the kyng this word herde,
ful joyfully thanne he ferde,
and to Iosephes seide thanne certeinle,
“Sire, my pastour, I wot wel ȝe be,
that my sowle schal defende from my fon;
Now, good Sire, lede me thedir Anon
where I may Enden my Servise
to my lord god, that high Iustice,
Is As mochel as that I may
with my tonge him serven from day to day;
For of Alle myn Othere myhtes and powere
ful clene hath he me berefte here.
lord, I-worschepid mot thou be
Of Al that Evere thou hast sent Me;
and whanne thy wille is, me to Restore
to myn Syhte As I hadde to fore.”
Thus ful longe spak kyng Mordrayn
To Alle his barowns In Certein,
and took leve of dewk and knyht;
for on the Morwen he wolde forth Riht.


and to hem he seide Everichon,
“be me taketh Ensample Alle Anon,
that ȝe offenden not ȝowre Creatour
be day, ne be nyht, neþer In non Owr;
and ȝif ȝe don As I ȝow say,
than seker mown ȝe ben Everyday,
Into what partie where so ȝe gon,
ȝe scholen han victorye of ȝoure fon.
And ȝif In ony peryl that ȝe be,
he wele ȝow deliuere ful sekerle;
and as Of Sarracynte, my qweene & wyf,
which that I holde a ful good womman Of lyf,
I ȝow alle preie ful hertyle
that to hire good kep taken ye,
and hire to don worschepe In Alle Manere
As to ȝowre worldly lady here;
For therto ben ȝe bownden Echon
be the legaunce ȝe han me don.
and ȝe, sire Nasciens, my brothir dere,
that Of Alle othere to me most chere,
I ȝow herteliche now beseche
for my wyf, with mylde speche,
whiche that your Owne Soster Is,
that be non wyse sche fare Amys;
and þat ȝe loven hire wel & hertyly
As A good womman and a worthy;
and ȝif Evere ȝe lovede me,
so loveth hire In Alle degre;
and that ȝe welen kepen In worschepinge
My scheld, þe which I with me gan bringe;
wheche scheld, as ȝe wel knowe,
In bataille I bar ful Many A throwe,
and specyaly that ilke day
whanne Tholome we token In fay;
and loketh that this scheld ȝe kepen as trewly
as ȝoure herte with-Inne ȝoure body;


for ho so Evere In bataille it bere,
he schal have vittorie Every where;
and for this cause, brothir sire Nascien,
I ȝow it betake A-forn Alle Oþer men,
For ȝit In tyme Comeng scholen ȝe se,
Many myracles þerby wrowht scholen be.”
And In this Manere Mordrains the kyng,
his wif and his scheld betook In keping
To sire Nasciens, his brothir dere,
and remwed on þe Morwe, Alle In fere,
To the Ermytage, to that good man
of whiche that Iosephes to him spak than;
so that for love of kyng Mordrayn,
with-Inne schort whille þere In Certayn,
A fair Abbey I-mad there was,
and a ful gret, In that plas;
so I-fowndid was it there
with white Monkes in faire Manere;
For Often sethen Entrid was þe kyng,
thedir to him cam Many A lordyng,
and manye of his barowns Also,
with him to dwellen for Evere mo;
so that in theke Abbey dwellede stille þe kyng
Al so longe As he was blynd,
Tyl that Galas to forn was bore,
(Of wheche we spoken of here-to-fore,
whiche scholde comen of Nasciens lygne,
the Nynthe, as ȝe herden Of told to fore tyme,)
which that A worthy knyht scholde be,
& to þat Abbey Mordrains scholde comen to se;
and ek to visiten, as it seith here,
the story of Sank Ryal In this Manere;
and also as myn sire Robert of Borron,
Whiche that this storie Al & som
Owt Of the latyn In to the frensch torned he,
be holy chirches Comandement sekerle;


and as holy chirche Afermeth Also,
how longe king Mordrains lyvede þere tho,
Two hundred ȝer & More Aftir sire Nascien,
As this holy storye Reporteth then,
Tyl that Cam the Nynthe persone yn londe
Of Nasciens kynde, now ȝe vndirstonde,
of wheche that Galaaz was his Name,
a ful worthy knyht, And of gret fame.
Thus lefte the king In that Abbey,
And Nasciens In Galafort Sekerly
dwellyng with dewk Gaanor,
and mochel Cristene peple with hem thor,
bothen of dewkes and of Chevalrye,
and of worthy men a gret Compenye,
that weren ful Redy for to fyhten
For the love of Crist god Almyhten,
Aȝens the Miscreantz bataille to bede
where so they weren In Ony stede.