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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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33 Of writing with double pointing.
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33 Of writing with double pointing.


It is said, that King Edward of Carnaruan lying at Berkly Castle prisoner, a Cardinall wrote to his Keeper, Edwardum occidere noli, timere bonum est, which being read with the point at timere, it cost the King his life. Here ensues as doubtfull a point, but I trust, not so dangerous.

Dames are indude with vertues excellent?
What man is he can proue that they offend?
Daily they serue the Lord with good intent:
Seld they displease their husbands: to their end
Alwaies to please them well they doe intend:
Neuer in them one shall finde shrewdnes much.
Such are their humors, and their grace is such.