University of Virginia Library

Canzon. 33.

[Hether chast Phœbes Nymphs flockt in procession]

Hether chast Phœbes Nymphs flockt in procession,
Whose beauties attractiue all eyes so exercis'd
With maz'd admire, that for some late transgression
Men ween'd heauens angels were vnparadiz'd.
Such Saints heauens paradize containes but few,
Their rose at beauties Natures wealth distaynd,
Compar'd their lustre, checkt her verdant hew,
They euen her purest quintessence engraynd.
Anemone there stood with Daffadilly,
The purple Hyacinth and the Musk-rose,
Red Amaranthus and the milk-bred Lilly,
I came in quest, yet would I none of those:
Vnto Hyperions Bride my choyse I knit,
There in her goldie leaues my loue is writ.