University of Virginia Library



Soft tears that Nature keeps to show,
In human way, her joys and pains,
Now shed when summer splendors glow,
Or now when gaudy Autumn reigns!
Chaste pearls, whose lustres love to hide
In deeps of grassy seas for hours!
Dear secrets that the skies confide
To the warm bosoms of the flowers!
Kind almoners, that hold as peers
Proud garden or wild woodland maze!
Beautiful nightly souvenirs
Of all the perished elves and fays!
Cool benedictions of the dawn!
Eve's lowlier starlight, vague and shy!
Profoundly is my spirit drawn
By your sweet spells to question why
So many hearts, as flowers might do,
Dry lips in thirsting pain must tend,
And though they dumbly plead for dew,
Must die without it in the end!