University of Virginia Library



Which is the happiest rose to-day
Of three that I know, I wonder?—
The rose at the window, the rose on the lawn,
Or the rose in the meadow yonder?
Fair as a pearl is the face of one,
While it dewily gleams and flutters
Close where its peaceful heart can hear
What the peaceful household utters.
Velvet-petalled and crimson-hued,
With mosses its stem enfolding,
One burns up from the flattered lawn,
A marvel to all beholding!
And one on the barren meadow lives,
Near a boulder huge and sullen;
A pale, wild thing, in a lonely world
Of thistle and weed and mullein.
Happy those treasured garden-blooms,
In their white and crimson graces,
But she of the meadow is happiest,
Who looks but to God for praises!