University of Virginia Library

Paying The Money

Referring to the University
in particular, Mr. Stone said
that it holds an obligation to
the people of Virginia. "We're
paying the money, the
taxpayers are. You say you
want to be a national
University. That's all right if
the national University people
are paying for it.

"But we're subsidizing
everybody that goes up there
–– rich, poor or indifferent
–– with about $1200 a year."

Expressing his personal
views on the role of
out-of-state students at a state
school, Mr. Stone, who
attended Washington and Lee
University, said that he thought
out-of-state students were
beneficial in adding diversity to
an educational program.

"But I don't think you've
got to have 40 per cent in the
undergraduate school and 55
per cent in the graduate school
and 40 percent in the medical
school. No other state
university in the whole
country has that," he said." I
think we ought to have a mix
up there, but I think the mix
you want is too high."