University of Virginia Library


Lost–steel rim glasses in a brown
Lindsey's Opticians glass case. Call
Glenn – 977-7869.

Lost – silver bracelet with
turquoise stone sentimental value.
Reward. Call 295-5458.

Found – 'Independent' Key, No.
2263 found over weekend in
Monroe Hill area. Pick-up at
Newcomb Main Desk.

Found: Tabby & White female
kitten – lame front left paw. Call

Found: Bracelet, gold with plaited
stones, found near lawn 11-3-72
322 Humphreys.

Found Sunday – Money on Tennis
court. Call 295-8730, Give location
and amount.

Lost: UVa class ring B.S. '73 in Am
Building men's room. Call Murph