University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

It is high time that
something be said about the
deplorable conditions of the
squash courts here at the
University. Not only are they
overcrowded and poorly lit,
but it seems as though they
have not been cleaned since
September. The balls of dust
are now approaching 6 inches
in diameter and the walls are so
dirty that one might as well use
a white ball.

Furthermore, with demand
for the courts at its highest
level ever, the Athletic
Department has decided to
encourage further use of the
courts in PE programs, at, of
course, peak periods during the
day. As if the above were not
poor enough, numerous thieves
during the week who cannot
find a court for which to sign
up have initiated a program of
stealing the sign-up lists in the
hopes that they may later be
able to sign up on newly
posted list. This has only
served to aggravate the
situation especially during the
current intramural squash
tournament. Perhaps the
Athletic Department feels that
with the four new squash
courts in the U. Hall complex
in their final stages of
development, they can write
off the old courts. If that is the
case, and it runs true to form,
we can all expect that the new
courts, when finished, will be
as poorly maintained as in the

Hell, squash isn't a varsity
sport, why build the new ones
at all? Maybe at the last minute
they can be saved for use by
our fine football team. As the
soccer team knows, this is all
part of a general pattern of
state U. disregard for sports
other than the biggies.

David S. Brown Coll 3
Henry N. Harris, Coll 2