University of Virginia Library

Unhappy Fates

Fate was not as happy for the
Turques (B), as they lost to a
hustling band from American
University, 15-13, Saturday
afternoon before the Nameless
supporters. AU gained the
advantage by capitalizing on several
Turque miscues. Two long tries by
Joe Gaber, one try by Marty
Millichap, and two conversions by
Bobby Ess were the bright spots in
a dismal Virginia setback.

Happier times were seen in the
fourth side match held Saturday, as
the Virginians romped past a
conglomerate group of second
teamers from American, several
members of the AU varsity and
three low side Virginia players
(among them this foolhearty
representative from the Cavalier
Daily, who was on a wing), 24-0.
Leading the way was fullback Pete
Williamson, who tried three times,
Center Stocky Hobart, Frank
Rhoda, and Pete Clark, who
handled the booting, all were sharp.