University of Virginia Library

Letters To The Editor

Basketball Team Gets Shafted

Dear Sir:

After all of the gratifying
recognition given to Hoot Gibson's
"Super Kids" over the past three
weeks, it seems an awful letdown
to wait for the C.D.'s comments in
its first printing since last semester
and to find nothing more than
cursory interest on the part of its

No mention is given of the climb
to rank 15th nationally The first
time in Virginia's 150 year history
that the Cagers have even broken
into the top twenty, much less
having pulled above North Carolina
in a second week of ratings to take
the number 15 spot. Nor is mention
given to the eight or nine thousand
fans who poured into the Lyon's
Den over at U. Hall during "the
week that was", a fact which the
Hoot appreciated, and which
undoubtedly added to the victories.

It seems ironic that the
Baltimore Sun gave more
recognition to the "Amazin'
Cavaliers" than has our own
Publication. It's no wonder school
spirit is given ample opportunity to
die here at the University, no one
gives a damn. There's more on a
tennis exhibition than our own team.

Phil Leber
Architecture 4
Dear Sir:

I am writing this letter in my
room by candlelight, due to the
fact that, although I have paid $160
for this miserable hunk of
puke-green cinderblock, the lighting
in our dormitory has gone out for
the fifth time this week. I don't
know the cause for the gross
electrical malfunctioning which
seems to plague Humphreys House,
but my ire is rising. Having missed
the entire first quarter of the
Lions-Rams game due to a blackout
occurring at 9:00, I was
understandably pissed.

The electricity was fixed in time
for the second quarter and halftime
highlights, but halfway through the
third quarter, blackness struck
again, just as Landry had Sanders
open in the end zone. Mixed with
the moans of despair and disbelief
rising from the T.V. room were
assorted groans from those students
actually trying to study.

Please Mr. Main — now that you
have taken care of that insidious
bathtub threat, could you perhaps
do something about the abominable
lighting deficiency pervading this

John Friant
College 1
Dear Sir:

It's common knowledge that a
parking problem exists here, but
only a part of the problem is the
lack of space, the ridiculous
graduated fine system in practice
charges $2 for the first offense, and
a dollar more for each succeeding
offense, with possible suspension
after 6 offenses.

A legal parking place one minute
becomes a crime the next, with the
only safe means being to carry the
parking manifesto in your hip
pocket for ready use in case of

A sign here and there could be
nice. Also the uni-pigs on their
motorized tricycles don't help the
situation. Recently after parking in
one of a handful of available spaces
by the library, I ran in and dropped
off a stack of books. Upon return
one minute later, I met our friendly
law enforcement agent, in full riot
gear, peddling madly up the road to
arrive at the scene of the crime.

My appeal was simply ignored
by Stoneface and after a few under
the breath curses which drew scorns
from Stoneface, I wished him a
Merry Christmas and left after
almost backing over him. Shucks!

Nick Mallis
College 2