University of Virginia Library


MAKE-UP EXAM for Math 4 (Mr.
Smith) will be held on Sat., Oct. 3,
at 11:00 in Room 517 Cabell Hall.

MAKE-UP EXAM for Philosophy II
Oct. 7, 7:00 PM. Examinees meet
Mr. Marshall at his office.

MAKE-UP EXAM from last spring
for Prof. Havran's HIEU 150,
Tuesday, Oct. 13, 7:00 PM in
Randall Hall 220.

MAKE-UP EXAM for Psychology
19 (Mr. Schulman) will be Mon.
Oct. 5, 7-10 PM Rm 111, Gilmer

ANYONE with bricklaying
who could donate a few hours to
Hope House on Garrett Street.
Please call 295-3332.

MIXER Mary Washington College.
Sat. 9-12 PM Coats and Ties,
Provide own transportation.

At the PRISM, Friday 9:15 and
Saturday 10:00. Bryan and Judi
Bowers, musical innovation. Cover
charge .75.

KARATE and Self Defense Club;
Classes will be held Mondays
9:00-10:30 and Wed. 7:30-10-30.
Beginners welcome.

There will be a meeting of all
persons interested in joining the
U.Va. Handball Club. This meeting
will be at 10:00 AM. Sat. Oct. 3 in
Mem. Gym outside the Handball

There will be a recreational Modern
Dance class offered to all interested
girl students. This class will meet
from 4:00-5:00 PM on Tuesday and
Thursday afternoon in the small
gymnasium in Mem. Gym. This
class will begin Thursday Oct. 8.
Further information may be
obtained at 924-3791.

ANY students who have not
returned the committee preference
card but are willing to work on a
student council committee, please
meet in South Meeting room
Newcomb Hall Monday at 4:00 PM.

following Law Schools will visit the
Grounds in the next two weeks:
Mon. Oct. 5, Catholic U., Temple
U. Fri: Oct. 9, U of S. Caroline,
Mon. Oct. 12: Duke; Fri. Oct. 16,

Hashanah Services, Friday, Oct. 2
at 10:00 AM