University of Virginia Library


Perhaps the most renowned and relevant
speaker to appear at the University in several
years will be in University Hall tonight.
George McGovern, the junior Senator from
South Dakota and one of the State's most
outspoken critics of the United States
involvement in Vietnam, will be speaking on
President Nixon's Vietnam policies. The
speech promises to be a major address, of
interest not only to the University, but to the
nation at large.

The community owes a debt to the
Student Legal Forum for bringing Senator
McGovern to Charlottesville at a time when
the war and the moratorium are before the
eyes of all. We fully expect that his address
will be extremely informative for all that

There is the matter of the $400 that it will
cost the Legal Forum to move the event from
Cabell Hall to University Hall, due to the large
crowd that is expected. The Legal Forum has
very little money of its own; it relies on its
ability to attract speakers for expenses only
and it never charges admission. We would
hope that somewhere in the University,
perhaps in the Administration's sesquicentennial
coffers, the money can be found. If it is
not, there may be a plea for donations at the
gate. It should be well received, for Senator
McGovern promises to be worth it.