University of Virginia Library



HILLEL Foundation: Faculty-student
panel discussion on "Judaism
and the Jewish Community
Their Relevance in a Rapidly
Evolving Society." Time is 8 p.m.,
public invited.

JOHN FERGUSON, professor at
U. Minnesota, will lecture in South
Meeting Room, Newcomb Hall on
"The Five Stages of Roman Religion."
Sponsored by Dept. Classics
at 8 p.m. Open to the public.

IMPORTANT meeting of those
interested in working on IFC
comm. on spring house inspections
at 7:30 in South Meeting Room,
Newcomb Hall.

BAD CHECK Comm. meeting at
8 p.m. All newly elected members
please attend.

PISTOL Club meeting Maury
Hall Range at 7 p.m. Club policy
will be discussed.

MAJOR S. Glod of the JAG
School will deliver a talk on
"Comparative Aspects of the Legal
Systems of the Federal Republic of
Germany and the United States" at
8:30 p.m. in Graduate Lounge.
Admission open. Sponsored by
Graduate German Club.

Southern History: Report on SSOC
Southern History Conference at
4:30 p.m. in Cabell 544.

THETA TAU important meeting;
brothers 7:15 in A120, pledges
7:30 in A119.

SHORT meeting of the "old" U.
Union Program Board (excl. officers)
at 7:15 in Conference Room.

Second year Assembly applications
are due today at 5 p.m. in
Union office.

MEETING of Trident Society at
6:30 in Maury Hall.


ALL MODERN Rap classes will,
in fact, meet together at 7 p.m. in
Cabell 316.

ELECTIONS for the managing
board of the Corks and Curs will
be held at 8 p.m. in the IFC office.


DELTA SIGMA PHI fraternity
is pleased to announce the pledging
of the following first-year men:
Donald Michael Cheadle of Richmond,
Va.; Vernon Thomas Lankford
of Chatham, Va.; Craig Edward
Wynn of Allentown, Pa.; and
second-year man Alfred Roman Hu
Young of Newport News, Va.

RIDING CLUB: anyone interested
in riding this week please
sign up at Newcomb Hall information
desk. All details there.

THURSDAY movie: Steve
McQueen in "Cincinnati Kid," also
starring Ann-Margaret and Tuesday
Weld. 7 and 9 p.m., Newcomb Hall
ballroom. Fifty cents.

3:30-5:30 Monday through Friday
at Memorial Gym pool.

ANY PERSON interested in
running for Student Council position
from the School of Education
should contact Julia Spencer immediately
at 293-9544.

FRATERNITY men interested
in working on IFC committees who
did not attend the committee
interest meeting on April 9 please
come by the IFC office on 3rd
floor Newcomb Hall to register for
committee work. This applies to all
students whether they have worked
with the committees in the past or

NEW OFFICERS for the Young
Republicans are: Wayne Johnston,
chairman; Dan Falcone, vice-chairman;
Rich Brownfield, executive
secretary; Stan Maupin, secretary;
and Jim Gilmore, treasurer.

CAVE Club meeting Thursday
at 7:30 in room 4B, Newcomb Hall.

PI CHAPTER of Theta Tau is
pleased to announce the pledging
of: Andy Jay, John Zoller, Doug
Church, Jeff Andrews, John Trovis,
Jim Davis, Don Garst, Jim Caldwell,
Doug Boutros, Joe McGrady, Terry
Teague, Bill Caritz, Rick Groves,
John Ring, Regan Vot, Bill Huyett,
Chuck Crag,Mike Armhem,
Daniel Kim, Randy Young, Jay
McGarvey, Tom Phillips, Neal Paxson,
Don Morrow, Jim Henderson,
Joe Littleton, John Hesler, and
Jess Hutchinson.

IMPORTANT and informative
meeting of Human Relations Council
Thursday, Wilson Aud. at 7:30
p.m. Election of officers for next
year. Panel discussion on "The
Future of Equal Opportunity at
U.Va." with Dean A. Williams at 8

COMPUTERS - The Users'
Group, in conjunction with the
Computer Science Center, presents
a four-lecture series on Intermediate
Algol. Topics to be covered
include Stream Procedures, Input/Output,
and Tape and Desk
Files. Comprehensive treatment will
also be given to Virginia modifications
and special constructs of
Algol, for which write-ups appear in
the Virginia System Notes. (No
textbooks will be required nor will
a charge be made for the course.)
Series will begin on Thursday, April
24 at 5 p.m., room B23, Gilmer

attained a 3.5 GPA last semester,
and all second-year men who had a
3.5 cumulative GPA at the end of
their first year are eligible for
membership in Phi Eta Sigma
Honorary Fraternity. If you did not
receive a letter inviting you to
membership it was probably due to
errors in registrar's office. If you
are eligible and would like to join,
the inclusive fee is $13.50, payable
to Phi Eta Sigma. This must be
brought to Dean Brice's secretary
(401 Cabell) between 2-5 p.m.
sometime this week, where you
may obtain details about the
initiation on April 29.

THE ARNOLD Air Society is
sponsoring a dance Friday from 9-1
featuring Creeper and the Vidells.
Admission is $3 per couple and
tickets are available at Mincer's
at the door. Ice and mixer will be