University of Virginia Library


Need ride to Main-Line, Philadelphia
area Friday, Dec. 20 after 4
p.m. Call Rich at 296-1937.

Riders wanted to Miami, leave
Friday Dec. 20 afternoon. Call

2 hotel rooms available Dec. 13
and 14. Call Clark or Mike

Roommate wanted, small apartment
on Jefferson Park close to
University. Available Jan. 1. Call
295-1294 5-7 p.m.

Need room replacement. Your
pick of any available U. Housing.
$20 off list price. Call Jim

Wanted: 1) Guitar instructor. 2)
Roller skating supervisor Friday
and Saturday nights. Call Dept.
Recreation 296-8186.

Drummer and bassist wanted to
play hard rock. Musical concept,
obnoxious attitude towards life
more important than experience.
Own equipment necessary. Call
296-1044 evenings.

Accounting Major as back up
for the fiscal officer of rapidly
growing Albemarle Co. firm just
listed on N.Y.S.E. Salary
$8500-9500 range. Send resume to
P.O. Box 1053, Charlottesville, Va.

Roommate wanted for 2nd semester.
Share 4 bedrooms, early
American apartment with 3 Med
Students. Convenient. 293-4024
after 8 p.m.

Worried about leaving your
lovely home? Visiting professor and
wife from California need furnished
home for gracious living. No children,
non-smokers. Need June 69 for
approximately 1 year. By noon
Friday call 296-0181 or later write
Dr. R.T. Williams, 111 Linda Vista,
Pasadena, California,

Must vacate room in Monroe
Hill dorms after Christmas. Need
suitable replacement. Call Stuart
Cox 924-3187.

Roommate wanted: Modern
apartment behind Corner at College
Park Apartments. Only $30.80 per
month. Call 296-3631.

Roommate Wanted: Female
roommate wanted, good location
on Woodrow St. 296-2798 evenings.