University of Virginia Library


like to remind Judiciary candidates
in the Architecture School, Medical
School, and Graduate Arts and Sciences,
and Student Council candidates
in the Architecture School,
that the deadline for petitions to be
received in the Student Council
Office is today at 5 p.m.

speakers are invited to dinner at
Newcomb Hall, Parlor B, at 6:30
p.m. today.

NEW YORK University: School
of Law will interview prospective
students on December 12. Please
contact Office of Placement, 5
Minor Hall, for appointment.

EXTRA LEGAL Forum presents
California's only Negro state
senator, Mervyn Dimally, crusading
black reformer. Thursday, 4 p.m.,
Law School Lounge. Public invited.

CHRISTIAN Science Organization
meeting at 7 p.m. at 1961
Lewis Mt. Rd. Everyone welcome.

coffee hour at the Graduate Lounge
at 5 p.m.

UNION FLICK: "The Promoter"
starring Alec Guinness.

CAVALIER Bridge Club meeting
8 p.m., room next to contract
cafeteria. All bridge players invited.

SOCIETY of Physics students,
lecture by Dr. Joseph Thomas on
"Ultrasonics" at 7:30 p.m., room
4A, Newcomb Hall. Public invited.

will address the Law School Young
Republicans in the Law School
Lounge at 8:30 p.m. today. His
topic will be "A Criminologist's
Reaction to Disparate Views of
Richard Nixon and Hubert
Humphrey on the Cause and Control
of Crime."

THOSE organizations which
want to appeal their allotment of
Student Activities funds recommended
by the Student Council
must present such appeal in writing
to the office of the Student Activities
Committee Chairman, Dean D.
A. Williams by this morning, Dec.
12. Hearing of such appeals will be
at the Student Activities Committee
meeting at 4 p.m. this afternoon
in the office of the chairman, Pavilion
VIII, basement.

LAW STUDENTS vote today in
law school elections, 8-5 in Clarke

of The Virginia Weekly today at 7
p.m. at St. Thomas Hall. All those
interested in working on the staff
of the Weekly are urged to attend.