University of Virginia Library



Meeting of Cave Club, 7:30 in
Informal Lounge, Newcomb Hall.

TDE beer party and meeting at
Alumni Hall, 5 p.m.

Fraternity kitchen managers
meeting required attendance by
all, fines imposed, 4 p.m., South
Meeting Room, Newcomb Hall.

Meeting for anyone interested
in working on the Business Staff
of UVM, Circulation, subscriptions
and advertising; 7 p.m. 5th
floor, Newcomb Hall.

Circle K meeting, 7 p.m. Newcomb
Hall room 4B.

Jefferson Society election meeting,


The Stanford White Memorial
Society announces the awarding
of The Order of the State Doughnut
to Mssrs. Richard Gwathmey
and Roderick O. MacDonald for
their editorials "excellence" and
to Mr. Bernard Fontana for his
"culinary artistry."

The Engineers club invites all
members, faculty, and guests to
its annual spring picnic-field day
to be held this Sunday from noon
until 4 in the Dell.

High Point Track entries are
posted in Fraternity mailboxes.
Field events start Monday, 2.30,
running events at 3, Please pick
up afternoon.

Students of the College: May 25,
and May 17 have been set aside
by the Academic Faculty as
Reading Days. These days are
defined as a period when no roll
is taken, no quizzes are given
during the regular class period,
and no new work is assigned but
when the instructor is present
for conferences with his students.

The annual Trigon spring banquet
will be this Saturday, May
11 at 4:30 at the Monticello Hotel.

Any student or faculty member
interested in working on the Drug
Education committee of the Student
Council please contact
Chuck Hite at 296-2033. A conference
for next fall is planned.

Will all third-year students in
education who are interested in
running for the permanent position
of secretary of the Class of
1969 please see P. Clarke Room
10, Peabody Hall by Friday.