University of Virginia Library

Statement of ownership, management and circulation

(Act of October 23, 1962; Section 4369, Title 39, United States Code)

1. Date of filing: 9/18/67

2. Title of publication: The Cavalier Daily

3. Frequency of issue: Tuesday-Friday

4. Location of known office of publication
(street, city, country, state, zip code): Newcomb
Hall, Univ. of Va., Charlottesville, Va.

5. Location of the headquarters of general
business office of the publishers (Not printers):

6. Names and addresses of publisher, editor,
managing editor: Publisher (Name and
address) Same.

Editor (Name and address) Editor: Charles
C. Calhoun, 52 East Lawn, U.Va., Charlottesville,
Va. 22903.

Managing Editor (Name and address)
Daniel K. Shipp. 165 Madison Lane, Charlottesville,
Va. 22903.

7. Owner (If owned by a corporation, its
name and address must be stated and also
immediately thereunder or holding 1 percent
or more of total of stock. If not owned by a
corporation, the names and addresses of the
individual owners must be given. If owner
by a partnership or other unincorporated
firm, its name and address, as well as that of
ch individual must be given.)

Name: Student owned and operated.

8. Known bondholders, and
other security holders, owning or holding 1
percent or more of total amount of bonds,
or other securities (If there are
state); None.

9. Paragraphs 7 and 8 include in cases
where the stockholder or security holder
ny other relation, the name
of the upon the books of the company as
or in person corporation for whom
such acting also the statements in
the two paragraphs sow the effant's full
knowledge and belief as to the circumstances
and conditions under which stockholders and
security holders who do not appear upon the
books of the company trustees, hold stock
and securities in a capacity other than that
of a bona fide owner. Names and addresses
of individuals who are stockholders of a
corporation which itself is a stockholder or
holder of bonds, mortgages or other securities
of the publishing corporation have been
included in paragraphs 7 and 8 when the
interests of such individuals are equivalent
to 1 percent or more of the total amount of
the stock or securities of the publishing

10. This item must be completed for all
publications except those which do not carry
advertising other than the publisher's own
and which are named in sections 132.231,
132.232, and 132.233, Postal manual (sections
4355a, 4355b, and 4356 of Title 39, United
States Code).

A. Total no, copies printed (Net Press
Run): Average No. copies each issue during
preceding 12 months: 8,000. Single issues
nearest to filing date: 8,200.

B. Paid circulation: 1. To term, subscribers
Average No. copies each issue during preceding
12 months; 00. Single issue nearest
by mail, carrier delivery or by other means:
to filing date: 00.

Sales through agents, news dealers, or
during to filing date: None. Otherwise: Average No. copies each issue

C. Free distribution (including samples) By
mail, carrier delivery, or by other means:
Average No. copies each issue during preceding
12 months: 7,100. Single issue nearest
to filing date: 7,300.

D. Total No. of copies distributed (Sum of
lines B1, B2 and C): Average No. copies each
issue during preceding 12 months: 7,00.
Single issue nearest to filing date: 8,100.

I certify that the statements made by me
above are correct and complete.

(Signature of editor, publisher business
manager, or owner)

Peter Ledey Capies, Business Manager

POD Form Jan. 1967