University of Virginia Library



Deadline for filing application
for a dorm. counselorship is 5

Football team meeting, U. Hall,
7:30 p.m.

Eng. Council Meeting, Faculty
Conference room, Thornton Hall,
5 p.m.

Rapier meeting for all staff
members, present and prospective,
Room 4A, Newcomb Hall,
7:30 p.m.

T.I.L.K.A. meeting at Zeta Psi
House, 9 p.m.

There will be an important
decoration party at 11 p.m. in
Memorial Gym, with required attendance
for all PK German
members. For enticement, there
will be worthwhile bottle beverages
offered as door prizes.

Balch Lecture Comm. Robert
Lowell, reading his poetry. Cabell
Hall Aud., 8 p.m.

Cavalier Bridge Club, 8 p.m.
N. H. Grill.

Christian Science Org. meeting,
7 p.m. YMCA Board Room of
Madison Hall.

Int. Club Coffee Hr. 5 p.m. Grad.

Dr. Leslie Rudolf, Assist Prof.
of Surgery at the Medical School
will speak on transplantation of
organs at 7:30 p.m. in Cocke Hall,
Room 15. All premedical students
are invited.


Dance and light show featuring
Electric Renaissance held Friday,
Feb. 23, 9- In Bayly Museum,
Rugby Rd. Tickets $3 in Newcomb
Hall and Mincers. Sponsored
by AIA and U. Guide Service.

All members of the PK Dance
Society and the German club are
cordially invited to a cocktail
party at the Ph Gam house from


Preliminary applications for
Lawns, Ranges, and Crackerbox
for the 1968-69 session are now
available in the assignment office
in the basement of Page House.
Those who may apply for the following
accommodations are: for
the Lawns, undergraduate degree
candidates in their final year; for
the East Range and the Crackerbox,
second- to fourth-year medical
students; for the West Range,
graduate students in good standing.
Applications should be returned
to the Housing Office by
Wednesday, February 28.

All Students planning to enter
Medical or Dental School in Sept.
1969: The secretary of the PreMedical
Evaluation Comm. has
application forms for the Medical
College Admission Test (to be
given May 4, 1968) and the Dental
Aptitude Test (to be given April
26, 27, 1968). Students desiring to
take either of these tests should
pick up the appropriate form in
Room 324, Physics Bldg. any afternoon
(M-F) between 2:30 and
4:30 p.m. before March 1. Each
candidate is responsible for filing
his own application and paying
the fee.

A list of the applicants for the
Baccalaureate Degree for June
1968 is posted on the bulletin
board of the Dean of the College,
401 Cabell Hall. All College degree
applicants are requested to
check this list to see if their
names appear there. If you are an
applicant and your name does not
appear on the official list, please
confer with the secretary in 401.

High Point Pool pairings are
listed at IM bulletin board. First
round deadline 12 noon, March 1.

The German Dept. announces
the implementation of a noncredit
German reading course for
graduate students. The course
German IG will meet twice a
week Monday and Friday from
10 to 11 a.m. in Cabell Hall, 138.
Any full-time grad. student in
good standing is eligible to enroll.
Anyone interested in registering
come to Cabell Hall, 138, 10 a m.
Feb. 23.

Project Opportunity Bookdrive
continues until Feb. 23.

coming. If you have missed out
on Glee Club trips so far, don't
delay. Auditions are now being
held until March 1. Call Music
Dept. Office for apt. Ext. 3052.

CONCERT featuring music by
Brahms and Ravel Fri., March 1
by the U. Singers, directed by
Donald Loach. Glee Club and
Orchestra and Band also will perform.
8:30 p.m. Cabell Hall Ad.
Tickets $1.50; student and their
dates $1.00 each. Sale: Mincer's,
Newcomb Hall, and Hi-Fi House.