University of Virginia Library

Aid To Hanoi

Dear Sir:

I believe it my duty to reply
to the amnesia expressed by the
enlightened alumni in the letter of
November 28.

The opinion "that demonstrations
are among the best ways
to increase Hanoi's willingness to
negotiate" was certainly not arrived
at by rational thinking, as
one would expect of an "intellectual."

The best reply to such a statement
appeared in the 'London
Daily Telegraph' and reprinted in
the December issue of 'Atlas:'

"What they (the dissenters) are
doing is to harden the North
Vietnamese government in its refusal
to negotiate...The sooner Ho
Chi Minh realizes that he cannot
win on American campuses and
boulevards the war he is losing
in Vietnam, the sooner will he come
to the conference table."

Gene Moglia
College 2