University of Virginia Library

Ryan Runs

The Blue Devils came out of
the dressing room and Coach Tom
Harp's halftime talk and began
to get their offense rolling. Time
and time again, tailback Frank
Ryan exploded into the Cavalier
line for sizeable gains. In Duke's
first series of the third quarter,
Ryan carried the ball an amazing
seven times in a row-from the
Duke 31 to the Virginia 36.

It seemed only fitting that the
workhorse Ryan, who gained 101
yards in 23 carries, should score
the first Duke touchdown with just
a few minutes gone in the fourth
quarter. Soccer-style booter Bob
Riesenfeld failed to make the conversion
and the score was to stand
6-6 until Baglien's deciding tally.

The team statistics, which the
Cavaliers had completely
dominated in the first half, showed
Duke stronger in practically all
departments. Duke's all-important
total offense mark outdistanced the
Cavaliers by some 92 yards.


Photo By Gill

Frank Quayle Zooms Down Field Just Before Halftime

Holding Penalty Declared This Effort Null And Void