University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

One of the comforting
aspects of laundering in the
Monroe Hill "catacombs" is
the modest, efficient-looking
display of out-of-order/-refund-request
cards. Don't
you believe it!
Modest and
efficient are not the words;
conniving, lucrative,
charismatic, parsimonious,
avaricious, niggardly, and
deceitful may be.

In mid-October I lost two
dimes in driers that wouldn't
operate. So I filled out a card.
And received no response. Two
weeks later I completed
another card. And received no
response. Two weeks later, a
third card. Still no response.

Fellow-patrons, derive no
comfort from the suggested
security; my fears force me to
feel that it's a facade!

T.R. Browning
Grad 1