University of Virginia Library

Sec. 32. Clerk of the council—numbering ordinances.

The Clerk shall enter upon the minute book, the introduction
and passage of every ordinance, and shall spread upon the Book
of Ordinances, all duly adopted ordinances. Each ordinance
passed subsequent to the adoption of this Code shall as far as
practical be numbered in accordance with the numbering of sections
in this Code. If such ordinance repeals a part of this Code
the same shall be given the number of the repealed section. If
such ordinance amends or re-enacts, a part of this Code, the
same shall be given the same number as the section amended or
re-enacted, and the letters A, B, C, etc., shall be added to the
number to indicate whether the new ordinance is a first, second,
or third, etc., amendment or re-enactment. In all cases of repeal
amendment or re-enactment, the Clerk shall make notation on the
Ordinance Book showing cross-references to the pages on which
both the old and new law is spread.