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Page 29


Courses which have no credit value toward a degree are designated by
numbers alone. All other courses are designated by letters, which have
the following signification:

A: a course for undergraduates, with a credit value toward a baccalaureate
degree of three session-hours, to which students who enter with
advanced standing are entitled, under the conditions set forth on page 117.

B: a course for undergraduates, with a credit value toward a baccalaureate
degree of three session-hours, except in the case of courses in the
natural sciences, which, unless otherwise stated, have a credit value of six
session-hours each.

C: a course for undergraduates and graduates.


Professor Mitchell.

[1] Adjunct Professor Olivier.

[2] Adjunct Professor Alden.

Astronomy B1: General Astronomy: Mathematics A1 prerequisite.—The
fundamental principles and methods of theoretical and practical astronomy.
—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Mon., Wed., Fri., 11-12. Professor
Mitchell and Adjunct Professor Alden.

Astronomy B2: Modern Astronomy: Astronomy B1 prerequisite.—Newer
methods in astronomy; use of instruments; principles of navigation.—(B.A.
or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Hours to be arranged. Adjunct Professor

Astronomy B3: Navigation: Mathematics A1 prerequisite.—For men
who wish to prepare for service in the United States Merchant Marine or
in the United States Navy. Day's work, middle-latitude sailing, Mercator's
sailing, great circle sailing, distance from a fixed object, use of charts,
latitude, longitude, correction of compass, Sumner lines, etc. Laboratory
fee, $5.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Mon., Wed., Fri., 12-1.
Adjunct Professor Alden.

Astronomy C1: Spherical and Practical Astronomy: Astronomy B1 and
Mathematics B2 prerequisite.
—Spherical astronomy and theory of astronomical
instruments, with practical exercises in making and reducing astronomical
observations.—Hours by appointment. Adjunct professor Olivier.

Astronomy C2: Celestial Mechanics: Astronomy B1 and Mathematics
B2 prerequisite.
—Rectilinear motion, central forces, potential; problems of
two, three and n bodies, perturbations, determination of a preliminary orbit.—Hours
by appointment. Adjunct Professor Olivier.


Page 30

The Leander McCormick Observatory is situated upon Mount Jefferson,
which furnishes an unobstructed horizon. The principal building is a
rotunda forty-five feet in diameter, which contains the great Clark refractor
of twenty-six inches aperture. The instrument and building are the gift
of the late Leander J. McCormick, Esq., of Chicago. The telescope is fitted
with micrometer, photometer, and plate-holder for stellar photography.
The computing rooms adjoining contain clocks, chronograph, machines for
measuring astronomical photographs and spectrograms, and an excellent
working library. In a smaller building are a three-inch transit and a six-inch
equatorial. A temporary students' observatory, erected in the rear
of Dawson's Row, is intended primarily for the use of students in Astronomy

The members of the Visiting Committee of the Leander McCormick
Observatory are:







For information in regard to the Vanderbilt Fellowships in astronomy,
see page 27.


Absent on leave, 1918-1919, for military service.


Absent on leave, 1918-1919, for military service.


Professor Forrest.

Biblical History B1: English Literature A1 or A2 prerequisite.—The history
of the Hebrew people throughout the Old Testament, the Apocrypha,
and the New Testament.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Tues.,
Thurs., Sat., 9-10.

Biblical Literature B2: English Literature A1 or A2 prerequisite.—The
literature of the Old and New Testaments, with attention to the literary
features and the contents of the various books.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3
session-hours.) Tues., Thurs., Sat., 8-9.

Biblical Literature C1: Any two B courses from the English Group, prerequisite.—The
origin and history of the English Bible: The canon; the
text; the English versions.—Mon., Wed., Fri., 11-12.


Professor Lewis.

Professor Kepner.

Mr. Benton.

Mr. Lawrence.

Mr. Whitlock.

A laboratory fee of $5 is charged for each course.

Any course may be withdrawn unless elected by at least four students.


Page 31

I. Biology and Agriculture.

Biology B1: General Biology.—An elementary study of living organisms
and the relations between animals and plants. Plants will be studied
from the standpoint of metabolism and growth, and animals from that of
structure and response. Types will be chosen which illustrate the fundamental
biological laws and throw light on the place of man among living
things.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.) Tues., Thurs., Sat., 11-12.
Laboratory, 6 hours a week. Professor Lewis, Professor Kepner and assistants.

Biology B2: Agricultural Botany: Biology B1 prerequisite.—The physiology
of the higher plants, especially as related to nutrition and growth;
the principles of crop-raising as based on the laws of plant life. Hours to
be arranged. Professor Lewis.

Biology B3: Agriculture Zoölogy: Biology B1 prerequisite.—The parasitic
protozoa, worms, and arthropods; the insects will be considered in
their economic relations, and the anatomy of the domestic animals examined.
The relation of animals to the soil and to plant life will be discussed.—Hours
to be arranged. Professor Kepner.

Biology B4: Applied Biology: Biology B1 prerequisite.—Bacteria in
foods and drinking water; the principles on which is based our present
practice in sanitation; bacteria in soils and the part they play in sewage
disposal and agriculture; animals that are liable to affect individual and
community welfare such as the housefly, the mosquito, the hookworm
and other parasites.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) One lecture
and four hours of laboratory work per week. Hours to be arranged. Professor
Lewis and Professor Kepner.

II. Botany.

Botany C1: Biology B1 prerequisite.—The evolution of plants based on
a morphological study of a series of types, which will represent the more
important families of algae, fungi, liverworts, mosses, ferns and seed
plants. The principles of classification are considered and illustrated.—One
hour a week will be devoted to a study of periodical literature. Tues.,
Thurs., Sat., 10-11. Laboratory, 6 hours a week. Professor Lewis.

III. Zoölogy.

Zoölogy B1: Biology B1 prerequisite.—First term, general embryology.
Second and third terms, comparative anatomy of typical vertebrates. The
course will afford training in histological and embryological technique and
in mammalian dissection.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.) Mon.,
Wed., Fri., 10-11. Laboratory, 6 hours a week. Professor Kepner.

Zoölogy C1: Biology B1 prerequisite.—Experimental zoölogy. A comparative
study of the morphology and behavior of typical invertebrates.—
Two lectures and two three-hour laboratory periods weekly. Abstracting
of periodical literature one hour each week. Hours by appointment. Professor


Page 32


Professor Bird.

Associate Professor Carter.

[3] Adjunct Professor Venable

Professor Waddell.

Mr. Cannon.

Mr. Franke.

Mr. Herrmann.

Mr. Le Tellier

Mr. Porter.

Mr. Rhodes.

Mr. Tavenner.

Mr. Warren.

Students taking courses in Chemistry are required to pay for each
course a laboratory fee of $10, and to make a special deposit of $5 to cover
breakage of apparatus.

Chemistry B1: General Chemistry.—The fundamental principles and
phenomena of inorganic, organic and physical chemistry, and the foundations
of analytical chemistry. Most of the time is devoted to inorganic
phenomena.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.) Lectures: Section I,
Mon., Wed., Fri., 10-11; Section II, Tues., Thurs., Sat., 9-10. Laboratory, 6
hours a week. Associate Professor Carter, Mr. Robertson and assistants

Chemistry B2: Organic Chemistry: Chemistry B1 prerequisite.—Introduction
to organic chemistry, including the theories of molecular structure,
as applied to the compounds of carbon. In the laboratory standard methods
of synthesis, as well as the preparation from natural sources of important
organic substances, will be studied experimentally.—(B.A. or B.S.
credit, 6 session-hours.) Mon., Wed., Fri., 12-1. Laboratory, 6 hours a
week. Professors Bird and Waddell, and Mr. Franke.

Chemistry C1: Physical Chemistry: Chemistry B1, B2, Analytical
Chemistry B1, C1 and Physics B1 prerequisite.
—This course treats such topics
as the gas laws, kinetic theory of gases, the properties of dilute solutions,
molecular weights, mass action, reaction velocity, electrolysis and
electromotive force, the phase rule, etc. Emphasis is placed upon the application
of physico-chemical laws in the solution of chemical problems.
The laboratory work consists of a course in physico-chemical measurements
from the point of view of their use in chemical research. Hours
by appointment. Professor Bird and Associate Professor Carter.

The Chemical Journal Club meets every week for the critical review
and discussion of various topics of interest in current chemical literature,
and of such chemical researches as may be in progress in the University.
All instructors and advanced students in chemistry are expected to participate
in these meetings and to take part in the discussions. The privileges
of the club are extended to all persons in the University or in the
vicinity of Charlottesville who are interested in the progress of chemistry.


Absent on leave, 1918-1919, for military service.


Page 33


Professor Dunnington.

Mr. Robertson.

Students taking courses in analytical chemistry are required to pay a
special tuition fee of $40 for each course. Each student is required also to
pay a laboratory fee of $10, and to make a deposit of $10 for one course,
or $15 for two courses, to cover the cost of apparatus.

Analytical Chemistry B1: Qualitative Analysis: Chemistry B1 prerequisite.—Chemical
manipulation; blow-pipe analysis, inorganic qualitative analysis,
followed by practice in analysis of salts, alloys, and ores, the examination
of potable water, coal, limestone, clay and so on, including some
simpler quantitative determinations. Fire assaying of ores of lead, silver
and gold. Weekly written exercises are required.—(B.A. or B.S. credit,
6 session-hours of electives-at-large.) Tues., Thurs., Sat., 9-10. Laboratory,
9 hours a week. Professor Dunnington.

Industrial Chemistry B1: Chemistry B1 prerequisite.—A study is made
of the chemical principles and processes of the more important manufacturing
industries. Among the subjects discussed are the metallurgy
and uses of the principal metals and alloys, the manufacture of acids,
alkalies, salts, explosives, glass, pottery, brick, lime, cement, paper, soap,
disinfectants and fertilizers; the preparation and preservation of food, including
bread, meat, sugar, etc.; dyeing and tanning, heating and artificial
light. Weekly written exercises are required. Textbook: Allen Rogers'
Elements of Industrial Chemistry.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours
of electives-at-large.) Tues., Thurs., Sat., 12-1. Professor Dunnington.

Analytical Chemistry C1: Quantitative Analysis: Analytical Chemistry
B1 prerequisite.
—Training in manipulation and gravimetric estimations, followed
by volumetric estimations and a full course in quantitative analysis
of minerals, ores, coal, soil, iron and steel, technical products, and so on.
Weekly written exercises are required. As the student advances in the
course he is encouraged to undertake original research and assist in its
prosecution. Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10. Laboratory, 12 hours or more a
week. Professor Dunnington and Mr. Robertson.

Students who accomplish the work of Analytical Chemistry B1 and C1
and Industrial Chemistry B1, together with Chemistry B1, B2, and C1, are
prepared for entering upon work in the several lines of industry.

The Chemical Laboratory, recently completed, is of brick, fire-proof
construction, and the three floors afford 30,000 square feet of space. The
seven larger laboratories will accommodate 625 students, and, in addition
to these, there are smaller laboratories for the use of instructors and advanced
students. There are also rooms for assay furnaces, gas and water
analysis, photography, etc. The building is supplied throughout with water,
gas and electricity. A commodious working library is available for the
students, containing about 4,000 books directly related to chemistry, and
complete files of the more important chemical journals.


Page 34


[4] Professor Thomas Walker Page.

[5] Associate Professor Rogers.

[6] Adjunct Professor Bardin.

Mr. Snavely.

[7] Mr. Hyde.

Mr. Carruthers.

Mr. Hart.

Mr. Harris.

Students are advised not to take Economics or Commercial Geography
before their second session in the College.

Economics B1: The Principles of Economics.—First and second terms:
Survey of the principles of economics. Third term: The bearing of these
principles upon present American conditions. Instruction will be given by
lectures, assigned readings, reports, and discussions.—(B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours.) Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10. Mr. Snavely and Mr. Hart.

Economics B2: Statistics and Accounting: Economics B1 prerequisite,
but may be taken concurrently.
First term: Statistics: Statistical method,
including the collection of material, sources, making of schedules, tabulation,
diagrammatic and graphic presentation, averages, correlation, index
numbers. Second and third terms: Accounting: Technique and science,
nature and classifications, debit and credit, property accounts showing assets
and liabilities and those showing profit and loss, "mixed accounts,"
inventories, adjustments, statements and balance sheets.—(B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours of electives-at-large.) Tues., Thurs., Sat., 8-9. Mr.
Snavely and Mr. Carruthers.

Government B1: Constitutional Government.—A description and comparison
of the theories and essential features of the governments of the
United States, England, France, Germany, and Switzerland, with the greatest
stress on the government of the United States and the work of Congress,
and governmental institutions and the war. Instruction by lectures,
text-book study, assigned readings, written reports, and conferences with
the instructor.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Tues., Thurs., Sat.,
12-1. Associate Professor Rogers and Mr. Hart.

Commercial Geography B1: General Survey.—The agricultural, industrial
and artistic production of the various nations of the world, the conditions
governing the markets, the laws of international exchange, the development
of trade relations and a summary of the history of commerce and
the shifting, with time, of trade routes.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours
of electives-at-large.) Adjunct Professor Bardin. Omitted in 19191920.

Commercial Geography B2: Economic Geography of Latin America.
—Will be given if as many as thirty men apply for it at registration. No
one admitted after the first term. A general survey of the civilization, past
and present, of the republics of South and Central America and Mexico.—


Page 35
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours of electives-at-large.) Tues., Thurs.,
Sat., 10-11. Adjunct Professor Bardin.

Commercial Law B1: Not Open to First-Year Students.—A detailed
study of the fundamental and important, rather than the technical, principles
of those subjects of which some knowledge is necessary in ordinary
commercial transactions, including contracts, negotiable instruments,
agency, partnerships, bailments and carriers, sales of personal property, insurance.
Instruction is given in the practical drafting of business documents,
such as simple contracts, powers of attorney, articles of copartnernership,
mortgages, deeds of trust and bills of sale.—(B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours of electives-at-large.) Mon., Wed., Fri., 12-1. Mr. Harris.

Economics C1: The Growth of American Industry and Commerce:
Economics B1 and any other B course in Group IV, prerequisite.—Economic
principles as illustrated by American experience, with a study of the influence
of economic conditions upon American social and political development.
The work is mainly topical, and the topics receiving chief emphasis
vary from year to year.—Mon., Wed., Fri., 10-11. Mr. Snavely.

Economics C2: Public Finance: Economics B1 and one other B course
in Group IV, prerequisite.
—First and second terms: The general principles
of public finance, with a detailed investigation of state and local taxation.
Third term: The financial institutions and methods of the federal government.
Mr. Snavely. Offered in alternate years with Economics CI.
Omitted in 1919-1920.

Economics C3: Money and Banking and International Trade: Economics
B1 and one other B course in Group IV, prerequisite.
—First and second
terms: Money and Banking: A study of monetary systems, forms of
money and monetary standards, price level and its fluctuations, principles
of banking accounts, national banking system and the Federal Reserve System,
government financing. Third term: International Trade: Sources of
raw materials and important commodities, shipping, trade agreements, commercial
treaties, tariffs, international exchange, reconstruction problems.—
Tues., Thurs., Sat., 9-10. Mr. Snavely.

Economics C4: Business Organization: Economics B1 and one other B
course in Group IV, prerequisite.
—Forms of business organization, growth
of corporation, corporation laws of different States, sources of capital, different
kinds of stocks and bonds, borrowing power of corporations, profits
and distribution of earnings, use of surplus; governmental restrictions on
business and industry; problems of the war and of reconstruction.—Hours
by appointment. Mr. Snavely and Associate Professor Rogers.

Government C1: International Relations: Government B1, and one B
course in economics, commercial law, or commercial geography, prerequisite

(but, with the permission of the instructor, this course and Government B1 may
be taken together
).—The nature of international law; the scope of existing
international government; the causes of modern wars; the problem of preserving
peace (peace projects of the past, the adequacy of arbitral machinery,


Page 36
recent proposals); international economic relations; backward peoples;
the foreign policy of the United States; the problems of the war and of the
peace treaty.—Tues., Thurs., Sat., 11-12. Associate Professor Rogers and
Mr. Hart.

Government C2: State and Municipal Government: Government B1,
and one B course in economics, commercial law, or commercial geography, prerequisite.
problems of reconstructing state government, the trend of
constitutional development, and the political theories involved; the causes
and characteristics of urban growth and a description of municipal government
in the United States and Europe. Associate Professor Rogers and
Mr. Hart. Omitted in 1919-1920.


Absent on leave, 1918-1919.


Absent on leave, first term 1918-1919, for military service.


Absent on leave, first term 1918-1919, for military service.


Absent on leave, 1918-1919, for military service.


[8] Professor Heck.

Professor Maphis.

[9] Professor Manahan.

Teachers' Certificates.—Students receiving the B.S. in Education (see
p. 125) will receive the Professional Collegiate Certificate issued by the
Department of Public Instruction of Virginia. A student who cannot complete
the requirements for the B.S. in Education, or who must delay the
completion of them, may elect the following two-year course which leads
to a Teacher's Certificate issued by the Department of Public Instruction of
Virginia. This work may later be credited toward the B.S. in Education.

(a) From the School of Education: Education B2, B3, and B7 or B8,
and one other course. Total: 12 session-hours.

(b) From the other Academic Schools: One modern language course
from Group I and one course each from Groups II, III, IV and V. Total:
18 session-hours.

Courses for Teachers in Service.—Saturday courses in any subject offered
in the School of Education will be arranged for teachers in service,
if requested by at least five teachers. Degree credit will be allowed on the
same basis as in regular courses, provided that not more than one and one-half
session-hours of credit shall be given for the work in any course for
one year.

Recommendation of Teachers.—The recommendation of teachers is in
charge of the Bureau of Appointments, through which positions are secured,
not only for students in the School of Education, but for other students
who are known to be fitted to fill vacancies reported. In response
to requests from the proper authorities, teachers are recommended for positions
as instructors in colleges and normal schools, as superintendents, as
supervisors in special subjects, as principals or department teachers in high
schools, and as principals of elementary schools. The demand for teachers
has been greater than the supply. Correspondence in regard to this


Page 37
matter may be addressed to the Bureau of Appointments, University, Virginia.

[10] Education B1: Evolution, Heredity and Education.—First term:
Stages and factors of organic evolution. Second term: Heredity and
Eugenics. Third term: Social and educational applications.—(B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours.) Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10.

[11] Education B2: Hygiene and Education.—First term: Personal and
community hygiene. Second term: Characteristics, defects and hygiene of
physical development. Third term: Hygiene of school buildings, equipment
and management.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours of electives-at-large.)
Mon., Wed., Fri., 8-9.

Education B3: Secondary Education.—(For students who expect to
teach, or to occupy some administrative position in high-school or general
educational work.) The secondary school—its historical development and
present tendencies, its place and function in organized society, the current
conception of secondary education and its relation to higher education, its
program of studies, the high-school plant, the organization and administration
of state high-school systems.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Hours to be arranged. Professor Maphis.

[12] Education B5: Educational Psychology.—First term: Childhood and
adolescence. Second term: Educational aspects of general psychology.
Third term: General methods of teaching.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Hours to be arranged.

Education B7:

Section I: Educational Administration and Supervision.—First term:
State and county school organization. Second term: City school systems.
Third term: State and local school organization in Virginia. A study of
state school law.—Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10.

Section II: Public School Administration in State and City: Contemporary
Tendencies and Problems.—(For students interested in the organization
and administration of educational activity as a branch of state
and municipal affairs.) A detailed study of present-day tendencies and
problems in school organization and administration.—Tues., Thurs., Sat.,

(B.A. or B.S. credit for either Section I or Section II, 3 session-hours.)
Professor Manahan.

Education B8: Elementary School Organization and Supervision.
First term: Organization of the elementary school and its relation to the
high school. Second term: The function and qualifications of elementary
school principals and teachers; the training of teachers in service. Third


Page 38
term: The curriculum of the elementary school and its reorganization.—
Mon., and Wed., 2:30-4. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours of electives-at-large.)
Hours to be arranged. Professor Manahan.

[13] Education C1: The Place of the Child in Society: Two B courses in
Education prerequisite.
—First term: History of child life. Second term:
Survey of present problems. Third term: The out-of-school life of school
children.—Hours by appointment.

Education C2: School Administration: Education B7 and one other B
course in Education, prerequisite.
—An advanced course in school administration,
dealing with the following: (a) Problems in the application of the
principles of scientific management to education: (b) School surveys: aims,
scope, method, and possibilities; (c) Principles governing the derivation,
standardization and application of standard education tests.—Hours by appointment.
Professor Manahan.


Died January 4, 1919.


Absent on leave, 1918-1919, for military service.


These courses may not be given exactly as described, but in that case similar courses will be


These courses may not be given exactly as described, but in that case similar courses will be


These courses may not be given exactly as described, but in that case similar courses will be


This course may not be given exactly as desired, but in that case similar courses will be


Professor Metcalf.

Associate Professor Johnson.

Adjunct Professor Shewmake.

Mr. Huffman.

Mr. Lemon.

Edgar Allan Poe School of English.

English B1: Old English and Middle English: English Literature A1
or A2 prerequisite.
—1. Old English prose. 2. Middle English prose and
poetry. 3. Chaucer.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Mon., Wed.,
Fri., 9-10. Adjunct Professor Shewmake.

English B2: The Structure of English: English Literature A1 or A2
—1. The origin and growth of the English language. 2. Elizabethan
English: A study of the language of several of Shakespeare's plays.
3. Eighteenth century periodical English.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Tues., Thurs., Sat., 9-10. Adjunct Professor Shewmake.

English C1: American Literature: Any two B courses in the Schools of
English and of English Literature, prerequisite. Biblical Literature B2 or History
C1 may also serve as one of the prerequisites.
—1. American Lyric Poetry.
2. The American Novel. 3. The American Drama.—Mon., Wed., Fri., 8-9.
Professor Metcalf.

Linden Kent Memorial School of English Literature.

English Literature A1.—1. Advanced rhetoric and composition, with
parallel reading. 2 and 3. Survey of English literature, with parallel reading
and composition.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours for those who
have not received credit for Eng. Lit. A2 or A3.) Section I, Mon., Wed.,
Fri., 9-10; Section II, Mon., Wed., Fri., 11-12; Section III, Mon., Wed.,
Fri., 11-12; Section IV, Tues., Thurs., Sat., 10-11; Section V, Tues., Thurs.,


Page 39
Sat., 11-12. Associate Professor Johnson and Adjunct Professor Shewmake.

English Literature A2.—1. Advanced composition with parallel reading.
2 and 3. Survey of American literature, with composition and parallel
reading.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours for those who have not received
credit for Eng. Lit. A1 or A3.) Section I, Mon., Wed., Fri., 10-11;
Section II, Mon., Wed., Fri., 11-12, Mr. Huffman.

English Literature A3: This course is specially recommended to students
preparing for Engineering or Law.
—1 and 2. Advanced composition with
parallel reading, with particular attention to Description, Exposition, and
Argument. 3. Survey of English literature with composition and parallel
reading.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours for those who have not received
credit for Eng. Lit. A1 or A2.) Mon., Wed., Fri., 12-1. Associate
Professor Johnson and Mr. Huffman.

English Literature B1: English Literature A1 or A2 or A3 prerequisite.
1. Shakespeare. Several plays studied in class and twelve or fifteen others
assigned as parallel. 2. Seventeenth-century literature, with special emphasis
on Milton and Dryden. 3. Eighteenth-century prose: Addison,
Swift, Johnson, Burke.—In each term considerable parallel reading and
written reports on assigned topics will be required.—(B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours.) Tues., Thurs., Sat., 10-11. Professor Metcalf and Adjunct
Professor Shewmake.

English Literature B2: English Literature A1 or A2 or A3 prerequisite.
1. Victorian Prose: Studies in the essays of Arnold, Ruskin, Newman, and
Stevenson. 2. Victorian Poetry: Tennyson and Browning. 3. Contemporary
Prose: English and American authors.—In each term a considerable
amount of parallel reading and a term paper will be required.—(B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours.) Tues., Thurs., Sat., 8-9. Professor Metcalf and
Associate Professor Johnson.

English Literature C1: English Literature B1, and English Literature B2
or any B course in Group V, prerequisite.
—The Elizabethan Drama. The
Modern Drama.—Tues., Thurs., Sat., 12-1. Professor Metcalf.


Professor Watson.

Adjunct Professor Giles.

Mr. Holt.

Geology B1: General Geology.—Fundamental principles of geology,
including a general discussion of dynamical, structural, physiographical,
and historical geology, with practical work in the laboratory and excursions
in the field.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.) Mon., Wed., Fri.,
8-9. Laboratory, 6 hours a week. Adjunct Professor Giles.

Geology B2: Engineering Geology.—Special course for students in
engineering. Discussion of geologic principles in their application to engineering


Page 40
work. Especial emphasis is given the rock-forming minerals and
rocks, building-stone and ores.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.)
Mon., Tues., Wed., 11-12. Laboratory, 6 hours a week. Professor Watson
and Mr. Holt.

Geology B3: Mineralogy.—Crystallography, physical and chemical
mineralogy, and descriptive mineralogy.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.)
Hours to be arranged. Adjunct Professor Giles.

Geology B4: Determinative Mineralogy.—A practical study of mineral
species by means of blow-pipe analysis, with the object of gaining familiarity
with the common minerals and facility in their identification. Six hours'
laboratory work per week, second term. Laboratory fee, $3.—(B.A. or B.S.
credit, 1 session-hour of electives-at-large.) Hours to be arranged. Mr.

Geology B5: Meteorology and Physical Geography.—(a) Meteorology.
First term: A study of the cause and effect of atmospheric conditions, such
as changes of temperature, pressure, winds, humidity, cloud phenomena,
precipitation and storms, and their effects on aviation, etc. Weather bureaus
and their work, and weather predictions, are fully considered. Laboratory
work includes the construction and use of meteorological instruments,
the construction and interpretation of weather maps, and practical
weather forecasting. (b) Physical Geography. Second and third terms:
A general course devoted to the consideration of the origin, growth and
decay of land forms, the significance of geographic features, and the
agencies affecting changes in those features. Oceanography is treated
briefly in the latter part of the course. Laboratory work in the preparation
and interpretation of topographic maps, models, etc.—(B.A. or B.S.
credit, 6 session-hours.) Hours to be arranged. Adjunct Professor Giles.

Geology C1: Petrology: Geology B3 prerequisite.—(a) Physical Crystallography.
Determination of minerals and rocks in thin sections under
the microscope. Optical and microscopical mineralogy, with especial reference
to the behavior of minerals as constituents of rock masses. (b)
Petrography. The microscopic structure, mineralogical composition,
genetic relations, and distribution of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic
rocks.—Lectures and laboratory work to the amount of 12 hours a
week throughout the year, by appointment. Professor Watson and Mr.

Geology C2: Geology of Ore Deposits: Geology B1 prerequisite, and
Geology C1 in addition recommended.
—The origin, nature, distribution, and
uses of the metallic products, with especial reference to those of the United
States.—Lectures, collateral reading, laboratory and field work, to the
amount of 12 hours per week throughout the year. Hours by appointment.
Professor Watson. Given in alternate years with Geology C3.

Geology C3: Geology of the Nonmetallic Minerals: Geology B1 prerequisite,
and Geology C1 in addition recommended.
—The origin, nature, distribution,
and uses of the nonmetallic products, with especial reference to


Page 41
those of the United States.—Lectures, collateral reading, laboratory and
field work, to the amount of 12 hours per week throughout the year, by appointment.
Professor Watson. Given in alternate years with Geology C2.

Geology C4: Geological Field Methods: Geology B1 prerequisite, and
Geology C1 in addition recommended.
—Special course for students in geology
and engineering, designed to familiarize the student with the methods
employed and the instruments used in making topographic and geologic
maps. The structural relationships of rocks and the proper cartographic
representation of these occurrences in nature are especially emphasized.
Lectures and field work.—Hours by appointment. Adjunct Professor
Giles and Mr. Holt.

Geology C5: Structural Geology: Geology B1 or B2, and Geology B3,
prerequisite, and Geology C2 and C4 in addition recommended.
—The causes,
manifestations, and recognition of the evidence of various types of earth
movements, and of the relation of topography to structure. Special emphasis
is given the regional and structural geology of the Atlantic States.
Lectures, collateral reading, preparation of papers, laboratory and field
work.—Hours by appointment. Adjunct Professor Giles. Given in alternate
years with Geology C6.

Geology C6: Invertebrate Paleontology: Geology B1 and one elementary
course in zoölogy, prerequisite.
—Invertebrate fossils, their identification,
classification, and geologic and geographic distribution. The application of
fossils to stratigraphic and other geologic investigations will receive constant
emphasis. The student will be required to make collections in the
field and to prepare, identify, and classify the material.—Lectures, collateral
reading, laboratory and field work.—Hours by appointment. Adjunct Professor
Giles. Given in alternate years with Geology C5.

The Lewis Brooks Museum contains collections illustrating the main
subdivisions of natural history. Each of the collections is arranged so as to
exemplify the principles of the science, and at the same time offers a large
variety of subjects for advanced study. In geology the specimens show all
the different kinds of rocks, classified according to mineral character and
the formation in which they occur; the collection of fossils, plaster casts,
maps, etc., is exceptionally fine, and fully illustrates historical geology. In
mineralogy the principles of the science are made plain by well-chosen suits
of specimens, models of crystals, etc. The general collection of minerals
contains all the important species, and many of the rarer ones, in good
specimens. In addition to the above, a beginning has been made of a collection
to illustrate the geology and mineralogy of the State of Virginia,
and this is being increased as rapidly as possible.


Professor Faulkner.


German 1.—For beginners. Reading, writing, and speaking German.
Two hours of formal instruction and four hours of practical drill under an


Page 42
instructor with phonographic records each week. Laboratory fee, $3.—
(No credit value for any degree.) Daily, 12-1. Professor Faulkner.

German B1: German A and B of the entrance requirements, or German
1, prerequisite.
—Reading of about eight hundred pages of modern German
prose, illustrative of German life and thought since 1870-71, with grammatical
and conversational exercises, and composition work in free reproduction,
based on the texts real in class.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10. Professor Faulkner.

German B2: German B1 prerequisite.—First term: German lyric and
ballad poetry, with reading in class of ballads and lyrics of Goethe, Schiller,
Uhland, and Heine, and assigned parallel reading out of class of the
poems in Von Klenze's Deutsche Gedichte. Second term: Goethe's Faust,
Part I. Third term: Goethe's Faust, Part II. Assigned parallel reading
through the session on the history of modern German literature, with lectures
on Lessing, Goethe, Schiller, the Romantic Movement, Jung Deutchland,
Heine, German literature in the second half of the nineteenth century.
Advanced German composition once a week.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Mon., Wed., Fri., 11-12. Professor Faulkner.

German C1: German B1 and B2 prerequisite.—Conducted in German.
First term: Die Tragödie der Klassiker; Seminar: Schillers Wallenstein.
Second term: Der deutsche Roman, 1795-1870. Third term: Seminar:
Goethes Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre; Kellers Der Grüne Heinrich. Tues.,
Thurs., Sat., 9-10. Professor Faulkner. Given in alternate years with
German C2. Given in 1918-1919.

German C2: German B1 and B2 prerequisite.—First term (conducted in
English): Historical grammar, with selected readings in specimens of
early New High German prose and poetry. Second and third terms (conducted
in German): Goethes Jugend: Gedichte bis 1775; die Leiden des
jungen Werthers; Götz von Berlichingen; Dichtung und Wahrheit. Seminar:
Goethes Faust, I. und II. Teil.—Tues., Thurs., Sat., 9-10. Professor
Faulkner. Given in alternate years with German C1.


Professor Webb.

Adjunct Professor McLemore.

Greek A1.—For beginners. Elementary grammar and composition;
Xenophon, Anabasis I.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours of electives-at-large
for those who have not offered Greek for entrance.) Mon., Tues.,
Wed., Thurs., Fri., 8-9. Adjunct Professor McLemore.

Greek A2: Greek A of the entrance requirements, prerequisite.—Given
upon evidence of sufficient demand. Xenophon, Anabasis II-III; New Testament,
selections; grammar and composition.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours
of electives-at-large for those who have not offered for entrance
Greek B or C of the entrance requirements, or received credit for Greek A1.)
Hours to be arranged. Professor Webb.

Greek A3: Greek A1 or A2, or Greek A and B of the entrance requirements,
—Lucian, selections; Plato, Apology and Crito; Herodotus


Page 43
VII. Grammatical review.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Tues.,
Thurs., Sat., 9-10. Professor Webb.

Greek B1: Greek A3 prerequisite.—Homer, Odyssey I-IV; Euripides,
Iphigenia in Tauris and Medea; Aristophanes, Clouds.—(B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours.) Mon., Wed., Fri., 10-11. Professor Webb.

Greek B2: Greek B1 prerequisite.—Demosthenes, On the Crown; Lyric
Poets, selections; Aristophanes, Knights; Sophocles, Antigone and Oedipus
—(B.A. credit, 3 session-hours.) Hours to be arranged. Professor

Greek C1: Greek B2 prerequisite.—Thucydides II; Aristophanes, Acharnians
and Frogs; Euripides, Bacchae; Sophocles, Agamemnon; Aeschylus,
Prometheus; Theocritus, selections.—Hours by appointment. Professor


Professor Dabney.

Mr. Button.

History B1: General History to the Close of the Middle Age.—(B.A.
or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Tues., Thurs., Sat., 11-12. Professor Dabney.

History B2: Modern History to the Outbreak of the European War.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Mon., Wed., Fri., 10-11. Professor

History C1: History of the United States: History B1 and B2 prerequisite.—Mon.,
Wed., Fri., 11-12. Professor Dabney.


Professor Fitz-Hugh.

Adjunct Professor McLemore.

Mr. Lehman.

Mr. Hart.

Latin A1: Latin A, B, C, and D, of the entrance requirements, prerequisite.—General
grammar, with oral and written exercises. Sallust, Jugurthine
and Conspiracy of Catiline; Virgil, Æneid VII-XII; Ovid, Metamorphoses
Cicero, Friendship and Old Age, Tusculan Disputations and
Dream of Scipio. The geography, history, and private and public life of the
Romans.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Section I, Mon., Wed.,
Fri., 10-11; Section II, Tues., Thurs., Sat., 10-11. Professor Fitz-Hugh, Mr.
Lehman, Mr. Hart.

Latin B1: Latin A1 prerequisite.—General grammar, with oral and written
exercises. Livy I-II; Tacitus, Agricola; Catullus, Odes; the elegiac
poets; Cicero, De Officiis; Seneca, Moral Essays. The religion and mythology
of the Romans.—(B.A. credit, 3 session-hours.) Mon., Wed., Fri., 11-12.
Professor Fitz-Hugh and Mr. Lehman.

Latin B2: Latin A1 prerequisite.—General grammar, with oral and written
exercises. Livy XXI-XXII; Tacitus, Germania; Horace, Odes; Virgil,
Bucolics and Georgics; Cicero, De Claris Oratoribus; Quintilian, Training of
the Orator.
The art of the Romans.—(B.A. credit, 3 session-hours.) Tues.,
Thurs., Sat., 11-12. Professor Fitz-Hugh and Adjunct Professor McLemore.


Page 44

Latin C1: Latin B1 and B2 prerequisite.—History of the Latin Language,
with oral and written exercises. Tacitus, Annals; Cicero, Letters; Plautus,
Captivi; Terence, Phormio; Horace, Satires and Epistles; Cicero, De Oratore
and Orator; Tacitus, Dialogus de Oratoribus. The literary life of the Romans.
—Mon., Wed., Fri., 12-1. Professor Fitz-Hugh and Adjunct Professor McLemore.

Latin C2: Latin B1 and B2 prerequisite.—History of the Latin Language,
with oral and written exercises. Tacitus, Histories; Pliny, Letters; Plautus,
Mostellaria; Terence, Andria; Juvenal, Satires; Lucretius, De Rerum Natura;
Cicero, De Natura Deorum. The philosophic life of the Romans. Tues.,
Thurs., Sat., 12-1. Professor Fitz-Hugh and Adjunct Professor McLemore.


Professor Echols.

Professor J. M. Page.

Adjunct Professor Luck.

Mr. Browne.

Mr. Linfield.

Mathematics A1: Mathematics A1, A2 and B, of the entrance requirements,
—First term: Trigonometry. Second term: Solid geometry.
Third term: College algebra.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Section
I, Tues., Thurs., Sat., 8-9. Section II, Tues., Thurs., Sat., 9-10. Section
III, Tues., Thurs., Sat., 10-11. Section IV, Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10. Adjunct
Professor Luck.

Mathematics B1: Mathematics A1 prerequisite.—Analytical geometry of
two dimensions.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Mon., Wed., Fri.,
10-11. Professor Page.

Mathematics B2: Mathematics B1 prerequisite.—A preliminary study of
the differential and integral calculus.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Tues., Thurs., Sat., 11-12. Professor Echols.

Mathematics C1: Mathematics B1 and B2 prerequisite.—Analytical geometry
of three dimensions; advanced differential and integral calculus; differential
equations.— Tues., Thurs., Sat., 10-11. Professor Echols.


Professor Thornton.

Applied Mathematics B1: Mathematics B2 and Physics B1 prerequisite.
First term: Theoretical mechanics. Second term: Strength of materials.
Third term: Hydrostatics and hydraulics.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours
of electives-at-large.) Tues., Thurs., Sat., 9-10.

Applied Mathematics C1: Applied Mathematics B1 prerequisite.—First
term: Mechanics of machines. Second term: Stability of structures. Third
term: Hydraulic motors and pumps.—Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10.

For more advanced courses in theoretical mechanics, refer to the School
of Physics.


Page 45


Professor Lefevre.

[14] Associate Professor Balz.

[15] Adjunct Professor Pott.

Students are advised not to undertake the work of this School before
their second session in the College.

Philosophy B1: Logic.—First term: Deductive logic. Second term:
Inductive logic. Special attention is directed to the analysis of logical arguments
and to the detection of fallacies in reasoning. Third term: A critical
exposition of different theories of knowledge.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Section I, Mon., Wed., Fri., 12-1; Section II, Tues., Thurs.,
Sat., 12-1. Professor Lefevre.

Philosophy B2: Ethics.—The course deals with the general development
and the different types of theories of morality, and is intended to aid
the student in reaching a constructive result.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Mon., Wed., Fri., 10-11. Professor Lefevre.

Philosophy B3: General Psychology.—A general survey of the main
problems, principles and methods of psychology, either as part of a liberal
education or as preparation for professional study in education, medicine,
or law.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Tues., Thurs., Sat., 11-12.
Associate Professor Balz.

Philosophy B4: History of Morals: Open to students who have taken or
are taking Philosophy B2.
—A descriptive and genetic study of moral ideas
and practices at different stages of society and in different civilizations, with
a view to showing the progressive character of morality and its present
social significance.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Not offered for

Philosophy C1: The History of Philosophy: Two of the following
courses prerequisite: Philosophy B1, B2, B3, B4.
—The lectures trace the development
of philosophical thought from the early Greeks to the middle
of the nineteenth century. The endeavor is made to present the various
philosophical systems in their relation to the civilization of the age to
which they belong, and to estimate their social and political significance.
—Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10. Professor Lefevre.

Philosophy C2: Psychology: Two of the following courses prerequisite:
Philosophy B1, B2, B3, B4.
—A brief survey of the history of psychology,
followed by a study of the psychology of group living, with special
reference to instinct and emotion, the sentiments, the psychology of
the crowd, the genesis and growth of social institutions, etc.—Tues., Thurs.,
Sat., 8-9. Associate Professor Balz.

Philosophy C3: Recent Philosophical Tendencies: Open to students
who have taken or are taking Philosophy C1.
—First term: A discussion of
certain problems of philosophy as an introduction to the work of the succeeding
terms. Second and third terms: The principal movements in


Page 46
philosophy since Hegel, with special reference to the philosophies of
Schopenhauer, Spencer, Nietzsche, Bradley, Royce, Dewey, James, and
Bergson.—Tues., Thurs., Sat., 9-10. Associate Professor Balz.


Absent on leave, first term 1918-1919, for military service.


Absent on leave, 1918-1919, for military service.


Professor Lambeth.

Mr. Lannigan.

Mr. Davies.

Mr. McCutchan.

Mr. Woodward.

Physical Training B1: A student who elects this course must take it, either
wholly or in part, during his first year, and complete it by the end of his
second year.
—Lectures and physical exercises. The lectures treat of the
gross anatomy of the body, the physical functions and mechanism of important
organs, the nutritious growth and development of the body, its
maintenance and care, including the prevention of disease, and the problems
of community hygiene. The exercises consist of indoor work in the
gymnasium and of outdoor work. The latter is made of those sports and
games which are under the general control of the Faculty Committee on
Athletics, and such other activities as the faculty shall in future direct and
for which adequate supervision shall be provided. As rapidly as facilities
increase, further work will be offered for those interested, and particular
attention will be given to those who wish to prepare themselves to be
teachers of physical education.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours of
electives-at-large.) One lecture and six hours of physical exercises per
week. Hours to be arranged.


Professor Hoxton.

[16] Associate Professor Sparrow.

Adjunct Professor Ball.

Mr. Burks.

Mr. Lowenberg.

Mr. Wiltshire.

A laboratory fee of five dollars is charged for Physics B1, C1, C2.

Physics B1: General Physics: A knowledge of solid geometry and of
the trigonometry of the right triangle, prerequisite.
—The elements of mechanics,
sounds, heat, electricity and magnetism, and light. The classroom
instruction is given by textbooks, recitations, problems, and experimental
demonstrations. In the laboratory each student performs experiments
upon which written reports are required.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 6
session-hours.) Tues., Thurs., Sat., 10-11. Laboratory, 6 hours a week.
Professor Hoxton, Adjunct Professor Ball and assistants.

Physics C1: General Physics, Selected Topics: Physics B1 and Mathematics
B1 prerequisite.
—The work in the classroom emphasizes the general
principles of dynamics and their application to physical problems, special
attention being given to the properties of matter and thermodynamics.
The laboratory work develops the basic principles of accurate measurement.


Page 47
Laboratory, 6 hours per week.—Hours by appointment. Associate
Professor Sparrow.

Physics C2: Electricity and Optics: Physics B1 and Mathematics B1.
Electricity is given during the first half year, optics during the second. The
elements of the mathematical theory and outlines of important modern
conceptions are given in the lectures. In the laboratory, especial attention
is paid to methods of measurement.—Tues., Thurs., Sat., 8-9. Laboratory,
4 to 6 hours per week. Professor Hoxton.

The Rouss Physical Laboratory is a commodious building, characterized
throughout by structural stability. The rooms are abundantly lighted,
while some may be darkened for optical experiments. There is a general
distribution of water and all the rooms are supplied with gas and electricity.
The equipment includes an exceptionally complete collection of demonstration
apparatus, and a good stock of apparatus for elementary laboratory
instruction. In addition to this, there is a special line of electrical and
optical instruments, a 21½-foot concave grating with Rowland mounting,
photographic dark room, liquid air plant and storage battery, and an instrument
shop for the repair and construction of physical instruments.
For advanced work in some lines, the facilities offered are excellent.


Absent on leave, 1918-1919, for military service.


[17] Adjunct Professor Paul.

Public Speaking B1: English Literature A1 or A2 prerequisite.—Writing
and delivery of speeches for special occasions; extemporaneous and impromptu
speaking on topics of the day. Membership is limited to a maximum
of 20 and a minimum of 6.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Tues., Thurs., Sat., 8-10.

Public Speaking B2: Public Speaking B1 prerequisite.—Principles of
argumentation and debating. Practical debating by opposing teams that
each week study a public question and prepare briefs upon it. Membership
is limited to a maximum of 18 and a minimum of 6.—(B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours of electives-at-large.) Tues., Thurs., Sat., 12-1.


Absent on leave, 1918-1919.


Professor Wilson.

[18] Adjunct Professor Bardin.

Adjunct Professor Graham.

Mr. Lehman.

Mr. Barrett.

Mr. Dabney.

French 1.—For beginners. Pronunciation, forms, translation, composition.
Practice in spoken French.—(No credit value for any degree.)
Daily: Section I, 8-9; Section II, 11-12; Section III, 12-1. Adjunct Professor
Graham and instructors.

Spanish 1.—For beginners. Pronunciation, forms, translation, composition.


Page 48
Practice in spoken Spanish.—(No credit value for any degree.)
Mon., Wed., Fri., 10-11. Adjunct Professor Bardin.

French B1: French 1, or French A and B of the entrance requirements,
—Dictation, composition, conversation. Conducted in French.—
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Tues., Thurs., Sat., 8-9. Professor

French B2: French B1 prerequisite.—Conducted in French. The short
story.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Tues., Thurs., Sat., 11-12.
Professor Wilson.

Spanish B1: Spanish 1, or Spanish A and B of the entrance requirements,
—Dictation, composition, syntax, translation.—(B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours.) Mon., Wed., Fri., 11-12. Adjunct Professor

Spanish B2: Spanish B1 prerequisite.—Conducted in Spanish. Latin-American
geography, literature, and civilization.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3
session-hours.) Mon. Wed., Fri., 12-1. Adjunct Professor Bardin.

Italian B1: French B1, Spanish B1, Latin B1 or B2, or Greek B1, prerequisite.—Modern
Italian.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Hours
to be arranged. Adjunct Professor Graham.

French C1: French B1, and one other B course in the School of Romanic
Languages, prerequisite.
—Conducted in French. The novel. Tues., Thurs.,
Sat., 10-11. Professor Wilson.


Absent on leave, first term 1918-1919, for military service.