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Modern Languages.

German: Grammar, Composition, and Translation:—The examination
in Grammar will cover the declension of the articles (definite and
indefinite), of pronouns (personal, demonstrative, interrogative, relative
and indefinite), of nouns (regular and irregular), and of adjectives;
the comparison of adjectives; the conjugation of the Weak,
Strong, and Irregular Verbs, including the Temporal and Modal Auxiliaries;
the uses of the articles, the pronouns, and the cases; the uses
and meanings of the tenses, the modes, the temporal, modal and causative
auxiliaries, of prepositions and conjunctions; and the general
laws governing sentence-arrangement and word-formation. The exercise
set in Composition will consist of English sentences, giving
the natural forms of every-day expression, to be translated into German,
and of the translation into German of a piece of connected
English prose, based on one of the extracts assigned for translation.
The candidate, in order to satisfy the examiner in Translation, should
have read between 600 and 700 pages of German, divided as follows:
Seventy-five to 100 pages of graduated text, such as found in any of
the standard introductory readers; 150 to 200 pages of literature in
the form of easy stories and plays; and about 400 pages of moderately
difficult prose or poetry. (Two units).

French: Grammar, Composition, and Translation:—The candidate
should have studied French two years under competent instruction,
should have read 600 pages, written 30 pages of prose, and mastered
the principles of grammar, including the irregular verb.

During the first year the work should comprise careful drill in
pronunciation, dictation, and the rudiments of grammar; abundant
easy exercises in composition, both oral and written; and the translation
of 150 pages of graduated texts. During the second year 450
additional pages of Modern French prose and poetry should be covered,
with continued drill in the grammar, constant practice in dictation
and in conversation, daily oral exercises in rendering English
into French, and periodical written exercises in French Composition.
(Two units).

Spanish: Grammar, Composition, and Translation:—The candidate
should have studied Spanish two years under competent instruction,
should have read 600 pages, written 30 pages of prose, and
mastered the principles of grammar, including the irregular verb.

During the first year the work should comprise careful drill in
pronunciation, dictation, and the rudiments of grammar; abundant
easy exercises in composition, both oral and written; and the translation
of 150 pages of graduated texts. During the second year 450


Page 78
additional pages of Modern Spanish prose and poetry should be covered
with continued drill in the grammar, constant practice in dictation
and in conversation, daily oral exercises in rendering English into
Spanish, and periodical written exercises in Spanish Composition.
(Two units).