University of Virginia Library


Professor Glass.  Professor Payne. 
Professor Heatwole. 

4. Theory and Practice of Teaching.—For teachers in elementary schools.
The class will be required to select and arrange lessons from the various subjects
taught in the public school. Plans of such subject matter will be made upon the
principles discussed in class. These principles are such as interest, attention,
correlation, the art of questioning, aims and methods of instruction in the various
elementary school subjects; value of type-studies, written work, study periods,
excursions; method of discipline; schoolroom activities. Special method in history,
geography, arithmetic, and language will be developed.

Daily, from 12.15 to 1.15. Professor Heatwole and Professor Payne. Cabell
Hall, Room 3.

Text-Books.—McMurry's Method of the Recitation; McMurry's Special Method
in History, Geography, and Arithmetic;
Dewey's School and Society.

5. Organization and Administration of Schools and School Systems
(Round Table).—
This course is intended for superintendents, principals, and for
teachers of experience who desire to study the problems of grading, promotion,
administration, etc., from a practical point of view. The work will be done by
the instructor in charge, assisted by various members of the Faculty who have
had experience in the various topics. The method will be that of the round table
conference, opportunity for questions and discussions will be afforded. The powers,
privileges, and relations of teachers, principals and superintendents will be discussed.
The course of study in elementary and high schools, together with approved methods
of school work and community work will receive attention.

Daily, from 4.30 to 5.30. Professor Glass. Cabell Hall, Room 5.