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Of the four dramas in this volume, two have hitherto remained unpublished. “Madonna Pia” was written many years ago with a view to performance. It was suggested by a powerful dramatic sketch called “Malaria,” in one Act, which had a short life upon the Paris stage. To this sketch two Acts were prefixed, and to these the original, which forms the third Act, was fitted with some necessary adaptations. “The Gladiator of Ravenna,” probably the finest piece of dramatic writing produced on the modern German stage, was translated many years ago, and printed for private circulation. “King René's Daughter,” from the Danish of Henrik Hertz, having run through two editions, a third has been called for, and it has been included in the present volume. The translation of “The Camp of Wallenstein,” which appeared in ‘Blackwood's Magazine,’ has been added to make it accessible in a more convenient form.