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A Period Play

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  • Pope Alexander VI formerly Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia
  • Cardinal Cesare Borgia afterwards Duc de Valentinois and Duke of Romagna, the Pope's son
  • Don Joffré Duke of Squillace, the Pope's younger son
  • Louis XII King of France
  • Don Juan King of Navarre
  • Cardinal Francesco Borgia cousin to the Pope
  • Cardinal Ippolito d'Este son of the Duke of Ferrara
  • Cardinal Giuliano Della Rovere afterwards Pope Julius II and other Cardinals.
  • Prince Don Alfonso Duke of Bisceglia, a natural son of the King of Naples, husband to Lucrezia Borgia, after her divorce from Giovanni Sforza
  • Prince Djem the Sultan's brother and the Pope's hostage
  • The Bishop of Venosa the Pope's Private Physician
  • Monsignore Bonafede Bishop of Chiusi
  • Monsignore Burchard Master of the Ceremonies
  • Monsignore Gaspare Poto the Pope's Private Chamberlain
  • Monsignore Gaspare Torella Cesare Borgia's Physician
  • Cavaliere Vincenzo Calmeta a poet
  • Don Pedro de Torpia Cesare Borgia's Spanish jailer
  • Don Michelotto Corella one of Cesare Borgia's captains
  • Don Federico Altieri a young Roman gentleman
  • Don Garcilaso de la Vega Spanish Ambassador
  • Messer Niccolo Macchiavelli Florentine Envoy

  • Messer Bernardino Betti (Pintoricchio) a painter
  • Messer Ercole a goldsmith and metal-worker
  • Messer Cristofero Lucrezia Borgia's Secretary
  • Messer Agapito da Amalia Cesare Borgia's Secretary
  • Messer Pincione an apothecary
  • Juanito Grasica Cesare Borgia's page
  • Garcia de Magona a Spanish boy
  • Giorgio a waterman
  • Donna Lucrezia Borgia the Pope's daughter
  • Donna Adriana Borgia the Pope's cousin
  • Donna Angela Borgia Maid of Honour to Lucrezia
  • Donna Hieronyma Borgia Maid of Honour to Lucrezia
  • Donna Sancia d'Aragon sister to Don Alfonzo and wife to Don Joffré Borgia
  • Mademoiselle Charlotte d'Albret afterwards wife to Cesare Borgia
  • Donna Vanozza de' Catanei once the Pope's mistress, and the mother of Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia
  • Donna Giulia Farnese (La Bella) the Pope's young mistress
  • Donna Fiammetta A Roman woman, Cesare Borgia's mistress
  • Donna Catilena de Valence Maid of Honour to Lucrezia
  • Suor Lucia an Anchoress
  • Clarice Maid to Lucrezia
  • A Mute, Shepherds, Citizens of Rome, Attendants, Bargemen, Girls and Women