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Alfred, a Masque, was written by Mr. Thompson, in conjunction with Mr. Mallet, at the request of his Royal Highness Frederick Prince of Wales, and was performed at Cliffden-House, before their Royal Highnesses, on the first of August, 1740. Ten years after it was adapted for the stage by Mr. Mallet, and was received with great applause. Mr. Mallet, in his advertisement (after giving an account of his joining with Mr. Thompson in the performance) goes on—“But to fit it for the stage, I found it would be necessary to new plan the whole, as well as write the particular scenes over again; to enlarge the design, and make Alfred what he should have been at first, the principal figure in his own Masque. This I have done; but, according to the present arrangement of the fable, I was obliged to reject a great deal of what I had written


in the other, neither could I retain of my friend's part, more than three or four single speeches, and a part of one song; I mention this expresly, that whatever faults are found in the present performance, they may be charged, as they ought to be, entirely to my account.”

D. Mallet.

It is now revived with some few alterations, and with some New Music; the favourite airs of Dr. Arne, as they stood in the Masque altered by Mallet, are reserved; there are some few alterations, which are now published.