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    The Persons.

  • Sigismond King of Poland.
  • Albertus Vaiwode of Ruthenia.
  • Phylanter his son.
  • Mironault Vaiwode of Lithuania.
  • Hippasus, friend to Mironault.
  • Pysander, friend to Mironault.
  • Lycespes, friend to Phylanter.
  • Symothacles, Generall to the King.
  • Peter, servant to the Blind Lady.
  • Messengers, Huntsmen, Tenants.
  • Mirramente, the Princesse.
  • Amione, sister to Mironault.
  • Philena, a great Lady attending the Princesse.
  • Cœca, a Blind Lady.
  • Quinever, her Maid.